The real disgrace here is the fact that anyone even gives a single rat’s ass what this woman has to say about anything at all.
lizard says O violated the first rule of “torture club”; you don’t talk about “torture club”
Monica Crowley interviewing the Unholy Spawn of Cheney the Undying. Man. I’d rather crawl down that pipe after Andy DuFresne than see that. You’d have to bathe in undiluted surgical soap and drink a fifth of Everclear cut with holy water after exposing yourself to that.
None of us will outlive the damage to this country’s honor done by Richard Cheney while he ruled as a regent. If it ever happens, it may well take generations. When I was a little kid, a family friend who claimed knowledge of our intelligence community said, “We’re not lily white, but we’re better than most.” We can’t say that any more; we can’t say it for a long, long time. We tortured innocent people to death.
There is a lot of hate and ignorance on the TV. No counter balance.
waterboard her. she won’t mind. after all, it’s just good, clean fun. i’m pretty sure she’ll survive. no harm, no foul.
why won’t the President take some responsibility for non- existent scandals created by the likes of Lizzy?Also,how dare he not praise those wonderful men and woman that defied U.S law ,The Geneva Conventions(Bush Admin. called them quaint),and common decency to partake in torture which is completely ineffective and doesn’t exactly win those hearts and minds that the neocons talked about.What a self serving dim bulb.p.s…the agents may have had good intentions,but that doesn’t make it right
…and allowed to walk free after-the-fact.
It’s not about ‘all those other people’ Liz.
It’s about those who watered down the legal boundaries and created an environ that authorized torture.
Your heinous father being top-of-the-list.
There’s a disgrace here. all right, Ms. Cheney and it’s one of your close family members.
The Cheney clan is in full damage control mode, trying to salvage their legacy by submitting their contributions to the ‘Bush Library of Revisionist History’.
Dick and his equally conscience-devoid daughter’s Machiavellian rationale for justifying torture:
“We must take a collective crap on the U.S. Constitution in order to preserve it”.
Those who are formally trained in interrogation techniques consistently agree that the so-called “enhanced” methods employed by the CIA were totally inappropriate and tactically inane.
These techniques are commonly used by foreign extremist groups and dictatorial regimes that are trying to get prisoners to confess to crimes that the interrogators know were not committed, i.e., they are not interested in obtaining information, their goal is the confession itself.
In other words, water-boarding is an excellent interrogation technique if your goal is:
a) a false confession
b) retribution
But if your primary objective to obtain useful intelligence, it’s going to be counterproductive.
And avoid open flame Steve.
Does Liz Cheney have a job? Has she ever held a job? I don’t mean some b.s. “think tank” thing, or Fox “consultant” or “contributor,” but has she ever done anything to make her opinion worth any more than the drunk’s at the corner bar?
The disgraceful Cheneys have been putting the “con” in “conservative” ever since the chickenhawk Dick took his first deferment.
Liz Cheney… lol…
Heartache and Pain not anywhere to hide.
“Lee and Liz Cheney had no moral sense at all . . . only egotism, anger at others on account of his failures.”
Marina Oswald
Oh my, someone telling the truth about her Daddy…cry me a river. Liz, you can stomp-your-feet/hold your breath and run to FOX, like a petulant child, it will not change the truth: Your Father ordered/approved the Torture.
Here’s the disgrace: President Obama and Eric Holder haven’t lifted a finger to prosecute Liz Cheney’s father for his participation in torturing people, including U.S. citizens.
In any kind of decent universe, Cheney, George W. Bush, Donald Rumsfeld and Paul Wolfowitz would be behind bars.
This kind of craziness was’t selling back then with regards to media attention.
Dick Cheney and Liz said that no president had done worse in office than Barack Obama, White House press secretary Jay Carney delivered the perfect reply.
“Which president was he talking about?” he deadpanned at his final White House briefing.