Discussion: LISTEN: Ted Nugent Talks About Shooting Harry Reid At NRA Meeting

He’s quite willing to bed under age girls, shoot caged deer, avoid military service at the call of his country in war time, and then moth off about how courageous he is and that he thinks he should shoot members of the Federal Government. Clearly there is something amiss with respect to his mental faculties. And that right there should be enough on a back ground check to deny him the right to purchase and own a lethal weapon. The man is a mental case in addition to being a coward.


""Nugent later asked audience members to give the NRA the “benefit of the
doubt” and continue to donate if the organization did something that
didn’t sit well with them. "

There are way too many things the NRA spokespeople (Ted included) have said in their knuckleheaded mouth breathing manner to obviate any more “benefits of doubt”.

When I was a kid in the 1950’s the NRA was all about gun safety and teaching kids how NOT to behave with any sort of weapon. These days it has devolved into a tin foil fringe group of mentally disturbed people who should never be allowed access to weapons.


The folks with all the guns and all the threats against the government are never shot by the police or arrested for their threats. Why do they feel so put-upon by the government? They can march around in Target and in Starbucks with their guns. They certainly feel free to handle toy guns in Walmart. They never seem concerned by all the children shot to death by guns lying around the house. What’s their beef, anyway? They’ve yet to make the connection between government overreach, which they claim to despise, and the killings of black people at the hands of agents of the state. If they were purists, and not racists, they’d be marching around at every Black Lives Matter protest.


He isn’t going to shoot anyone. He talks about it a lot but he’s never going to do it. He had the opportunity that many of us had…Vietnam…but when his country called he ran away in a cloud of draft deferments…and DID NOT SERVE. He chose, when it was his butt on the line…to not serve America. I did serve and I did shoot people and 3 of them shot me back. I suspect those scars on my body are what the tough talking Nugent was to much of a pussy to risk.

He’s proven coward. There is no reason to paint him as anything else. One of the first lessons he would have learned had he served was that talk is cheap. But he did not serve…he did not fight…and he did not shoot…so he does talk.


I can see the GOP nominees run as fast as they can from the Nuges endorsement.

On behalf of all native Michiganders, I once again apologize for this asshole. We never should’ve let him out of his cage. WARNING: Keep a safe distance away from this animal should you see him in the wild…He has been infected with a serious case of rabies. Symptoms include foaming at the mouth, delirium, erratic behavior, constant growling, uncontrollable defecation and brain damage. Do not approach him on your own. Call animal control immediately should you spot him. Your cooperation is appreciated.


This Huffington Post " Dickipedia" video covers all of Nugent’s lows.

I won’t even give him credit for being crazy. He’s just a tough-talking loudmouth butthead. There are millions of them. They make very vivid threats about what they’re going to do, and then somehow, whatta ya know, they don’t do it. The difference between the masses of them and Ted Nugent is that he’s a fourth-rate ex-celebrity. He’s 66 years old, and if he’s ever done one even halfway violent, aggressive thing toward a human being (as opposed to canned hunting, the contemptible loser), an actual physical action and not just noise from his mouth, I haven’t heard of it. He’s a noise in the forest with no tree falling, the sound of no hands clapping. He’s nothing.


Maybe he’ll have a hunting accident.

You got that right, buddy. Those of us who served don’t brag about it, don’t even like to talk about it. He’s a shitfaced chicken hawk.

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Harry Reid would kick Nugent’s sorry flabby ass from one end of Vegas to the other if they ever had to duke it out, eye injury and age difference notwithstanding. Probably outshoot him in a gunfight, eye problem notwithstanding, as well.


As a high priest among gun-nutters, this grit-shite seems to be walking right alongside the legal line on the other side of which a few words he’d probably like to spew would make him worthy of prosecution for incitement of violence against a federal official. I hope the FBI and Secret Service are paying close attention to this crooner of right-wing hate.

Or from a helicopter.

Keeping this asshole on the NRA pay roll says a lot about the NRA.

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Its obvious the ted and dick haven’t gone hunting together.