Discussion: Lindsey Graham Thanks McCain's Family For Supporting Senator Through Cancer

Yo’, Lindsay honey -

Howdya’ think McCain’s feelin’ about your continuing prostration before Comrade Quisling, U worthless pussy??



Pleasant dreams, friend.

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$$$$$$$$$$. Follow it.


He could actually honor him in a meaningful way by not kowtowing to the ghoul President that slanders McCain.


The Livewire turning into a Republican twitter feed does not exactly motivate me to join Prime.


"The entire McCain clan is doing exactly what the McCains have done through generations — "

“…wondering why a creepy stranger is tweet-stalking them at an incredibly painful and intensely private time.”


I love what George Will at Wapo said about Lindsey: he enjoyed the “derivative gravitas” he got from McCain. Otherwise he’s a slug leaving a trail of slime wherever he goes. Lindsey is the quintessential republican politician today. Spineless and completely amoral.


As if his family was gonna flip on him, right?

You’re a spineless coward who served as an Air Force prosecutor Graham, you’ve not got squat in common with John McCain. You should thank the man for ever acknowledging your presence.

Now be a nice stooge and go rake tRump’s sand trap for him, it’s why he takes you golfing you know…:expressionless:


OMG, Lindsey is an incontinent asshole.

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The Widow Graham will throw himself on McCain’s coffin, wailing and keening like the Divil’s own banshee, ripping off his veil, and crying out, “Fer the love of God, why did he have to go so soon?”

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Other than the “I love what George Will” part, I liked your comment! :grinning:

Will’s a pretentious self righteous pig. He was one of those so offended by Bill Clinton, yet Trump, Trump, was okay for the longest time, at least he kept it quite while Trump was grabbing pussy and stalking Hillary on stage and lying, lying, lying, and being the ignorant loud mouthed New York asshole he’s always been.

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He also failed to mention that “Cindy will make a great senator.”


Yes, that’s generally how it works.


Fuck that sellout traitor Graham. Supporting the anti-gay party of Nazis while you stay in the closet.

I swear if this motherfucker is getting blackmailed by the Russians and he’s going along with it he should be tried, convicted and sentenced for treason and espionage.

who is obviously about to stab McCain in the back

No…No I would think that at all.

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…because he is a Republican.

Wonder if there is such thing as a Democrat and whether any of then have anything to say or ate running for any offices.

Wouldn’t know from TPM. Literally not a single article on the front pages mentioning a Democrat.


Nope. Never anything positive about Democrats, even after key Senators, including Doug Jones, came out strongly against Kavanaugh and even having hearings at this time.
I thought one of the primary purposes of TPM (you know “Talking Points Memo”), was to act as a progressive news source, conveying the Democratic perspective utterly ignored by the MSM. Other than Josh’s posts, TPM does embarrassingly little to fulfill this important goal.


That would be nice, but it really never has been. “We document The Crazy!” was the motto ten years ago and it hasn’t changed much from that. That’s why you don’t see a story about Democrats demanding a delay in Kavanuts hearing while mentioning that the president is probably a criminal, but you do get to read every fucking thing KAC has to utter.

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