Discussion: Lindsey Graham Set Up Committee To Explore 2016 Run

He’s got less chance of being the Republican nominee than I do, and I’m a Democrat.

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Maxaroo - Off topic, but I’m loving your latest avatar.

First gay president.


The primary and the debates are going to be…Absolutely…Fabulous!

And all the show tunes to boot!

I think they are suggesting he is a bear or if he came out based on physic would be a bear like Andre Sullivan for example

Cool, so if he won the GOP would have claim to the first woman elected President of the U.S.

Hilarious. Does he not think anyone will ask about his “confirmed bachelor” status?

I was thinking that this announcement tells us who Mitt’s 2012 pollster is working for in 2016.

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Run Lindsey Run!!!

I think it’s more homophobic low level criticism. Some gay men who want to pass as straight find a woman to marry and/or escort here and there and the woman is referred to as a beard.

My thoughts exactly. Wait 'tll the Bible-thumping homophobes get on his case.

I don’t get it either, but he’s already a cracker.

Little Lindsey Graham will run on the same platform that he spouts every other week on Meet the Press. Attempt to scare voters into thinking terrorists are on their way to their house and visceral hatred of the black guy in the White House. He has nothing else to offer, but thinks nonetheless that this will be enough to score big in GOP primaries. And he may be right. Red state yahoos are both racist and easily terrified.

She ditn’t!

The grift is on, girlfriends.

BTW - a “beard” is a term for the girl that closeted mens like Lindsey (R.: Ms. Thang) here use to butch up their public personification. That way, when she all, “where are my smellin’ salts?”[/ProperSouthernBelle] during the debates, people will assume the purse being rifled through belongs to the beard.

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Nope, I could not see one. He would win the deep red states by default. But it is hard to imagine him winning many swing states at all. At least given his past records on things. The GOPs main issue is that they have few moderate candidates that can survive the primary. Romney and McCain pulled it off and they may have been reasonable if they were not driven right in the process.

This time, not sure they have any good candidates, all sorts of insane ones though.

Oh for the love of God, YES !!! Run Lindsey Run !! The entertainment value alone will be enormous !!!

Okay, so I have to wade into uncertain waters. If Lindsey becomes President, um, er, who would be First Lady?? My mind is racing…

Hahahahahahahahahahaha! gasp Hahahahahahahahahaha!

God, they’re just killin’ me with this shit . . .

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