Discussion: Limbaugh:


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Limbaugh ’ s shtict is now like his audience. Old.

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Says the guy who undoubtedly influenced the Timothy McVeighs and abortion clinic doctor murderers.


Ebola? Blame Donald Trump!

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The only true thing he divulged in his whole spiel is that, “Republicans want your kids to get sick and die.” With umpteen votes and counting against Obamacare, they’ve made it very clear. Thanks for pointing it out though, Scumbaugh.

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Oxycontin addicts and overdoses influenced by Limbaugh

What a sack of filth. Dems would want The Big Carrot dead for what? So “BadaBingYall” Scalise can take over? The Viagra and Oxy have finally cooked this conservative whore’s brain.

Truly. He’s got money, and people know his name and I’m sure there are rooms he can walk into where people applaud. But you can certainly pity him. Salinger once described a character as a “person deprived, for life, of any understanding or taste for the main current of poetry that flows through things, all things. She might as well be dead, and yet she goes on living.” It’s an empty, wasted life he’s leading, devoted to lies and nonsense and soul-sickening consumption. Would you take the money, if you also had to lead that life? Neither would I.

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Somebody sneak up to his garage door and slap a padlock on it. Then when he notices he is locked in he will be screaming his head off about the terrorist democrats that have taken him hostage led by obama and the gay people who are trying to silence the right who have been trained in russia supported by muslims to destroy the leader of the white kkk catholic faith and his buddies that make oxycotin by the tons to support those with anxiety from all the distruction this country has suffered after the invasion of mexicans followed soon by the cubans who will become african- americans so they can vote democrat in 2016.
We have to stop them, somebody please open the door and let me out, I am hungry. lol
Other than that, you got any bartenders limpy that you think you own?? just wondering.

John Boehner walks into a bar. The bartender say, “Pick your poison”. Boehner does. Night occurrence and this is news?


“Democrats claimed the Republicans cut funding for research for the Ebola vaccine and the National Institutes for Health and the CDC in general…remember that?”

Which they did and is true. Yep, I sure do remember that, Rush.

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Given his nose I’d have to say Boehner is a hard liquor fan.

“This guy’s hearing voices”, and regrettably the one he most listens to is Rush’s.

I notice the man is from Cape Girardeau, MO, and that the film “Gone Girl” was shot there and thereabouts. Hmmm, I wonder if there’s a connection between the film’s setting and the prevalent theme therein of mass hysteria caused by media oversaturation and exaggeration? Naaa, can’t be.