Discussion: Limbaugh: Sterling Only 'In Trouble' Because Didn't Donate Enough To Obama (AUDIO)

That’s the best El Dumbo has? It’s gotten almost too sweet how they do this to themselves time after time. Palin is going to get disgusted with all conservatives soon. She’s already sick of the GOP like just about everyone else in the party.

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Remember when Limbaugh got himself kicked off the ABC football team for being racist. You’d think it takes one to know one? This is just how stupid the entire Far Right has gotten. None of them are even functioning illiterates.


I suspect Limbaugh shot off his mouth before news of Sterlings voter registration came out.

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Excellent point. There’s no wiggle room now, no room for misinterpretation or opportunities for people to say “oh you’re just being sensitive”.
The only thing that seems to be seeping in is how he was “set up” by the girlfriend. Yes, she is ditzy and there is high probability that the only reason she was even with him was because of money but she did not put those words in his mouth - HE did it. She only held the microphone.

By the way, not EVERYone knew. Many people TRIED to tell but did no good. Racists tend to put on a good act when they have to. But to say EVERYone knew is quite misleading. I’m only aware of his history because of recent events.


Bloviating liar lies again.

Film at 11.

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Interesting that Limbaugh and Trump both are questioning the mental competence of Sterling – like a conservator should be appointed for a guy that can’t disguise his racism any better than that. I wonder what Rushbo and The Donald know about it?

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Right Rush, and we agree you, the Donster, and the rest of the gang are not racist partisan hacks too. (Wink Wink, Nudge Nudge, Know what you mean, Know what you mean.)

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The right wingnuut landwhale has truly lost his mind.

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Ah yes — the sound of air escaping an over-inflated balloon: RUSSSSSHHHH….

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Geez, the Republican Party is in free-fall. 50 failed votes to repeal Obamacare, only to see it succeed beyond their wildest lies. Billionaires whining about persecution. Saluting a scofflaw who turns out to be Archie Bunker. Insisting that Donald Sterling is a Democrat, and then having it blow up in their collective face.

I can’t wait to see what tomorrow will bring.

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.[quote=“ronbyers, post:23, topic:2347, full:true”]
I suspect Limbaugh shot off his mouth before news of Sterlings voter registration came out.

I wouldn’t bet on it. The truth doesn’t much matter to him, if it did we wouldn’t still be hearing about the IRS targeting conservatives, Acorn throwing elections, or any other of the discredited conservative memes.

Of course, you know, the subsequent information that Sterling is a Republican, not a Democrat, will never be reported or acknowledged in the rightwing media or universe. A decade from now they will still be saying he was a Democrat.

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Thank you. Some of the comments about her are veering off into some very misogynistic territory. Of course, she was most likely with Sterling for his money just as it’s highly likely he was with her for her appearance. It’s most likely they were both using each other yet somehow there’s this need to ignore his being a dirty old man while equating her probable gold-digging to his obvious racism. You can see the spin from a mile away. He’s old, and maybe his comments are a product of age, but she’s an evil succubus who made him say these awful things out of some maniacal attempt to extort or destroy his reputation.


According to Opensecrets.org which gathers and correlates data from the FEC, Sterling has donated nothing to either Presidential campaign, Republican nor Democrat.

In 2003, the Florida Supreme Court ruled the Fox news has the First Amendment right to lie. Let me repeat this - Fox news has for 10 years had the right to lie! why do news outlets not acknowledge this? Thus ignoring their “reporting”

Limbaugh said on his show that he learned 10 to 15 years ago that Sterling was a racist,

They met at the same International Racists’ Conference

Rush is just a dumb intoxicated porcine blob of dung.

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The truth doesn’t matter to those who listen to Rush. They are in their own epistemic bubble. Their cognitive dissonance prevents them from ever venturing outside of it.


Correct Headline ----

                              SPEWS  PUS --
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Just came here to say that no matter how outrageously ridiculous and batty this thing is that Rush said, his listeners will believe it because they trust every word he says. He could say the world was flat or that the sun revolves around the earth and they’d buy it.

It was only a matter of time before someone blamed Obama for this mess.