Not that Dr. Stein needed ‘the kiss crazy’. She polling behind Deez Nuts.
“I should have voted for Hubert Humphrey.” Yes, you should have, Ron, but you were too racist.
Reminds me of an old P.J. O’Rourke quote I read that the Libertarian Party can never function as a legitimate political party because every party meeting eventually devolves into a shouting match as to whether sidewalks should be privatized.
Green Party … 80% Weed, 20% Conspiracy Theories. Not a huge shocker Paul finds a kindred spirit.
All in all, this is a good development. Stein is a fraction of the threat Johnson is. If Paul drives some supporters of Johnson away, they will probably choose Hillary.
I remember when I got high and wanted to have my own national political Party.
That was some good shit ; )
The mottos of the Green or libertarian Party are something like;
Racists for weed without nukes and group freedom!
Crazy con masquerading as a libertarian won’t vote for fellow loopy libertarian, prefers loony authoritarian enabler pretending to be leftist. I guess chemtrails are real after all.
Ron Paul’s support for Jill Stein should be illuminating for the former Bernie supporters who are leaning to Stein.
a free trade “Libertarian” endorsing an isolationist. What a strange election
Wow, gotta admit I didn’t see that coming! To be clear, I’m not being sarcastic, I’m being serious. I mean I know the old coot loves to play the maverick role, but for him to turn his back on the highest-polling libertarian candidate ever – that’s gotta sting The Johnson. And for him to kinda-sorta endorse the Green Party candidate, who supports all kinds of regulations, tax increases, and social programs…wow. Makes me wonder whether there was some kind of really ugly schism in the Libertarian camp that we just haven’t heard about (because almost nobody cares).
Anyway, I can hardly wait to talk to my old friend who was a huge Ron Paul fan in 2012 (on non-interventionist grounds), but absolutely loathes the Green Party and in particular Jill Stein (and for all the wrong reasons). Thinking I’ll introduce the subject by handing him a flask of whiskey “to help with your sorrows.” Heh-heh.
Ron’s all good as long as you can starve granny and have a whites-only lunch counter.
Sadly, for the kind of former Bernie supporters who are leaning to Stein, or at least foe a lot of them, it’s probably a going to be seen as a plus.
I think Ron Paul’s snub of Johnson is completely predictable. My understanding is that the Libertarian Party basically refers to Paul as a LINO and that’s in large part why he primarily ran as a Republican. He didn’t adhere to some minutiae of libertarian dogma and they excommunicated him. So this is just Paul returning the favor.
When your entire ideology is based on the “virtue” of inherent selfishness, it’s basically guaranteed to devolve into isolated individuals spending their time sniping at each other.
“Follow the Gourd Gold!”
“No, follow the Sandal Silver!”
I believe they call it the Seven-Headed Hydra of State.
I think I’m starting to get the picture…
Proving yet again that “Libertarians” are hopelessly confused and ideologically incoherent cranks who thirty years ago would have been handing out mimeographed broadsides on streets corners to bemused pedestrians.
Now the internet and social media give them access to millions of credulous, naive, and incredibly ill-informed Americans. What grifters call marks.
i’m starting to feel that all these jill stein and gary johnson voters don’t care about the country, only about ideals.
while i understand the principles these two represent, it’s now a choice between two. just like voting for my grandmother, she’s not going to win. so waste your vote on principle as you wish, but don’t pretend it’s going to change anything. only clinton and a liberal SCOTUS can overturn citizens united and get money out of politics. nothing else matters.
i said years ago when it happen, that the invasion of iraq in 2003 was beginning of the end of america. a trump presidency would be the nail in the coffin.
It’s an age-old philosophical question with no easy answer. Because…how would you know?
Paul said he doesn’t feel that Johnson embodies a libertarian message. He also doesn’t feel there’s anyone in the 2016 field who people that want to vote “for liberty” can feel good about supporting.
Shorter Ron Paul: “There may be two libertarians somewhere who agree on everything; I am not one of them.”