Discussion: Liberal Group Trolls GOP With Push To Remove Reagan's Name From Airport

Renaming Washington National

… was signed into law by former President Bill Clinton …

Why Bill? Why?

Always said Bill Clinton was the best Republican President we ever had. Welfare “reform”, eliminating the protection of Glass-Steagall. If we didn’t remember him for the most famous blow-job in history, what would we remember him for?


I think of it as the “Nancy And I Are Still Looking For The Other Half Of My Brain Airport”.

It would be wrong to name a sewage treatment plant after Reagan or Bush. Sewage treatment plants take smelly, dangerous stuff and render it safe for discharge into the environment. You want to name something after them that takes safe stuff and renders it noxious. Maybe a coal-burning power plant, if it didn’t actually produce any electricity.

Whenever the EPA wants to clean up a dangerous abandoned mine like those in Colorado, and the locals refuse, we should designate the site a “Ronald Regan Healthy Forrest”.

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I would be happy if they were able to wipe that POS’s name from the history books completely!

A bit of trivia: supposedly air traffic controllers still refuse to call it Reagan National Airport.


How about eight years of unparalleled prosperity at home, a reasonable and courageous tax increase on the wealthy (with zero Republican support), a serious attempt at gun control, DADT (which at that time was a huge progress and as far as Congress would allow Clinton to go), Ginsburg and Breyer. US popularity almost all over the world, serious attempts (ultimately failed, alas) at peace in the Middle East, good relations with Russia, largest number of square miles devoted to national parks since Teddy Roosevelt - I could go on, but this might be enough for the moment.

Somehow the Republicans seem to have missed that he was a Republican President, given the relentless witch hunt against Bill AND Hillary Clinton for eight years. At least nobody has suggested that Obama personally murdered several people, as the Wall Street Journal did for Clinton.


Just last week we found out McKinley was a Republican hero. No one knew this before.

After what Reagan did to the air traffic controllers it is no wonder.


Just signed it. Follow the link in the article. Felt good.


Infrastructure spending as a percent of GDP started declining under Reagan which makes him unworthy of even a sewage treatment plant.

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That actor that lived in the White House and lead the great dismantling of the middle class does not deserve to have his name on anything.

I’m all for it. Reagan endangered the lives of flying passengers when he busted the air traffic controllers strike and gave the jobs to people like “Brownie.”


John Wayne Airport in Orange County is now officially the Jane Fonda Airport.


That is a reasonable compromise.

Grover Norquist, he of the “no taxes, ever” pledge, is responsible for this reprehensible habit of naming anything and everything after Ronald Wilson Reagan.

In the early 1990s, the American public rightly thought little of Reagan, and this so bothered Norquist that he founded the Reagan Legacy Project, an organization that is trying to name something in every American county after the Gipper.

Why someone who so opposes taxes would worship a guy who raised them multiple times is beyond me. Then there’s the tripling of the national debt, the 138 indictments and the 29 convictions in his administration, among numerous other examples of either malfeasance or simply not paying attention.

I dream of an America that thinks of Reagan no more often than one does of James K. Polk or John Tyler.

I do have a dream.


Actually, Atlanta mayor Maynard Jackson died at the airport. Why not name it after him?

I prefer Washington to Reagan, even though Washington was a slaveholder, slaveowner, 200 years before Reagan, who put millions of Americans of all races BACK into slavery.

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Damn right I signed. Normally I shun these petitions since they’re worthless and go nowhere. But this one pisses off right-wingers, and reminds them that real Americans don’t worship at the altar of Saint Ronbo, and recall his awful Presidency.


Reagan Airport never set well with me mostly because I couldn’t stand the phony, but I can understand the rightwing’s excitement having a president able to project all their worthless values as well as he did.
So, my suggestion is that for ticketing purposes the airport remain “DCA,” but every time a new president is sworn in the name would change to “Obama National Airport,” or “Trump National Airport,” or “whom ever won the election National Airport,” for the duration of that person’s presidency.
Fair is fair and to the victor belong the spoils! Name DCA for the current president for as long as that person is POTUS.

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