Clinton was born in Kenya?
These bigots just can’t help themselves. Sad.
Temptations Ball Of Confusion Lyric:
“And the band played on.
So, round and around and around we go.”
While in CNN’s Green Room Lewandowski hectored other guests with complaints about Obama’s refusal to explain why Jared from Subway appeared on the White House visitor log 278 times over the last 7 years.
Please proceed .
We both know that is a winning strategy , and we love winners.
CNN the No shame network
Sorry, all those hideous ties turned me off. I can’t remember when ties have been uglier.
Sorry, but this stuff matters.
Oh, FFS.
Call the ASPCA, they’re beating dead horses again.
I want to know if either Lew or Drumpf are actually Earthicans. Their home planet should be nuked into radioactive slag.
So…CNN has a birther on their payroll.
Trump: Obama’s brother has just emailed me Obama’s Long Form Birth Certificate from Kenya. I will release it on my inauguration.
Go Donald, GO!!! Don’t take that shit from your opponent Obama. He shouldn’t win another four years!!!11
"The reason we hired Corey is that now that we are in the general election, I think it’s really important to have voices on CNN who are supportive of the Republican nominee," Zucker said. "It’s hard to find a lot of those."
“I actually think he’s done a really nice job,” Zucker added, according to Variety. “He’s come under a much greater spotlight because of who he is, and the relationship he’s had with the media. As a result, people are going to be more critical.”
Obama is more powerful than the Clenis in making Republicans publicly go batshitcrazy.
I know he is being paid by CNN but he is still a loyal member of team Trump. Apparently the Trumpeters want to pivot to something other than Khan.
whose network head had said nice things about him in a trade magazine interview.
Zucker, you really have a good one there! You have lost ALL credibility, CNN – all.
This reminds of the question about whether Manafort is still on a Russian payroll. Have there been any development in this story?
It worked so well in 2012 why not give it another try LOL!
By the way, next week’s polls will reflect a campaign week as opposed to a convention week.
I’m good now.