Discussion: Lewandowski: Nobody Needs Pardoning Except 'The Fake News For All The Lies'

Complain to NBC–they’re the ones giving him a voice.


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My understanding is that pretty much everyone in the political press corps knew exactly what sort of person Lewandowski is/was. He would hold frequent “off the record” pow wows with reporters. He is a sloppy drunk, which became quite apparent at these “meetings”, with an extremely short fuse.

There were also multiple stories of how he would try to have “off-off the record” meetings with female reporters in his or her hotel rooms, including quite a few “dialing while drunk” episodes.

He also was, by all accounts, a terrible campaign manager, spending very little time on the actual nuts and bolts, blaming everyone else when the nuts and bolts weren’t done (in some very public screaming matches), and devoting way too much of his time trying to be Trump’s bodyman instead of managing the campaign. In fact, a core part of his current jealousies are directly attributable to people other than him, having Donald’s ear. Indeed, a large reason for why he got booted was because he tried to get between Jared and Ivanka having Donald’s ear…a great big NO NO in Trumpworld.

Corey is the typical sycophant, beta male that attached himself to what he perceived to be the alpha,and upon doing so, started trying to model his own behavior to better match the alpha.


Lewandowski is one of the greatest thinkers of our time, and we’d all be poorer for not being apprised of the least of his thoughts.

But don’t take my word for it – just ask him.


Up next, Trump proposes parting the Red Sea.

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I well remember the Mar-a-Lago stage event where Corey was standing closer to Trump than the jealous-gene-bearing Trump sons, but the interviewer’s tone (and Lord how we’re all tone nutty) this morning with lean, testosterone-oozing Corey was more one used with a rambunctious little brother or lover than a person in the news.

Fake News was a term created to describe Pizzagate and other made up stories that percolated in social media. It is really offensive that the peddlers of the original Fake News have hijacked the phrase and are using it to try to discredit real news.

good to see that lewandowski doesn’t spend EVERY minute of the day assaulting women.

I wish the next time Cory or Sarah or some other Trump mouthpiece pops off about lies, some news reporter would calmly ask them exactly what lies are they referring too. No one it seems has the temerity in the news media business to call Bullshit. And then followed by explain yourself. Exactly what lies have been reported about the Trumps?


If the fake news is so clear to you, how about proving it?

Yes we did! No, we didn’t. But, we did…we really did!! :laughing:

It has long been a Trump and associates way to accuse others of things they themselves are guilty of. Lies? Retaliation–that’s the Trump way. Very unprofessional, un-american, and un-presidential.


Someone can be banned from the securities industry for life for lying. They can lose their medical license. They can be disbarred from the practice of law. But the political pundit world has no gates whatsoever. Except for progressive democrats.


So who’s paying to keep a roof over Corey’s head these days? I’ve lost track.

He fled (or got kicked out of) his brand new, big $$$ lobbying firm and then skulked around the EOB and West Wing for weeks. Is he now on the White House payroll or getting paid as a consultant to Trump 2020?