The cool thing is, Donald wouldn’t even have to “tuck” for that scene…
CNN’s Gloria Berger
That would be Gloria Borger. There are lots of Gloria Bergers in the world, but none of them work as on-air talent for CNN. I don’t know who Matt Shuham is, but apparently TPM isn’t very proud of him. Clicking on the link at this name gets a “No profile with that username” response.
And for Corey Lewandowski, here’s a newsflash:
I don’t know how you missed it, Corey, but not only do women care, but they also get to vote. So when you say “nobody cares” that Trump is a self-professed sexual predator and all-round asshole, you’re ignoring a fairly large voting block (slightly over half of the US population) that does.
Why does CNN keep having Trump’s ex-campaign manager on the air?
Then how do you explain the GOP candidates and elected officials rescinding their endorsements?
Trump’s “So big a star, I just grab all the pussy I want” makes him sound like a cliche-riddled rapper with less-than-mad skillz.
I care a$$hole!
And besides that we all do it AMIRITE? I mean who hasn’t pushed themselves on some hot chick . You know when they’re saying no they actually mean yes. They secretly want us cause we’re famous
All the boys in the club feel the same way about women
I wonder what would happen if a “Star” grabbed Lewandowski’s genitals?
Oh I see a new job for Billy on the Trump Network anchoring “Trump Tonight” with all the hot gossip on what Donalds been up to and who he’s been groping
Because Faux Lite News Network . Fair and balanced you know.
That “Star” would have something very small in his hand.
Just start calling Donald “Mr 38%” that’s all there is.
No one cared where Corey was watching the debate. He was alone.
“nobody” = anyone who isn’t a bully.
Lewandowski will wear his new “Make America Grope Again” hat at his next CNN discussion.
I would love to see a passel of protesters show up at the next Trump rally with this emblazoned on their shirts!
Hey rotten Corey:
Well no, his voters don’t care, but the part of the public that isn’t deplorable and his victims do.
Still waiting on those post video polls,but I bet people care so little its going to cost him the election.
“For the first time since I became a citizen in 1983, I will not vote for the Republican candidate for president,” Arnold Schwarzenegger said in a statement posted to his Twitter account.
You’re so wrong Corey…Even his fellow gropers are abandoning him.