Yes, we should definitely close down the investigation because David Brooks says so…the feeble attempts at deflecting attention from the president* simply demonstrate the need to continue and intensify the probes. It’s not as if Corey Lewandowski has any dog in this fight…lol.
Fox and Friends? Lean days for David Brooks, I guess.
Why, because a corrupt ex-cop say so? LOL!
Dear Corey:
To recap, in case you’re not aware: a special prosecutor has been hired. He’s the former director of the FBI (and mentor of the guy your master fired). And this special prosecutor is hiring a “murderer’s row” of lawyers.
They’re. Just. Getting. Started.
Go screw yourself, Corey.
"Everyone has said there is nothing here.
Everyone has said that?
“I’m bothered by the lack of emerging evidence about the underlying crime that there was actually collusion or coordination with the White House,” Brooks said Sunday.
Mr. Brooks, once again, seems painfully naive in this matter.
As far as I know, Special Prosecutors are under no obligation to reveal what they have or have not uncovered. Nor are they required to officially notify anyone that they are “under investigation”.
Maybe he should start reading WaPo…
Corey Lewandowski can go fuck himself.
His hands are shaking too badly to coordinate any screwing … “Me and The Dicktator are SOOO SKEERED!”
“I’m bothered by the lack of emerging evidence about the underlying crime that there was actually collusion or coordination with the White House,” Brooks said Sunday.
and yet…
Maybe the Mueller team is not leaking anything to Brooks and he is doesn’t know what to write about.
Please correct me if I’m wrong, but isn’t Brooks right leaning in his views?
If true, this would means that, despite being opposed to Trump, his social circle likely includes a significant number of conservatives; Trump or no, the upper echelon conservatives* want to use the current situation to continue their war against America. The Russian investigation not only takes time away from the speed with which they can dismantle Public protections while protecting their hegemonic ruling-court charade of a Congress against any democratic movement that might push for electing a Congress that’s actually representative of the People. As such, any comments he makes should probably be taken in that light – since his affluent political operator buddies are probably saying things like, “Dude, you’re making it more difficult for us to steal from the poor and give to the rich!”
And/or he’s just hedging.
Let’s end the investigation before the investigation is over. Makes perfect sense. If the special counsel, or the Intelligence Committees for that matter, were making weekly reports about what they’ve found, guys like Lewandowski would be screaming that they shouldn’t be revealing any information from the investigation until it’s complete. Actually, they’re already screaming about leaks - which have been somewhat, although not completely revealing about the facts so far.
It’s the same “everyone” as Dear Leader hears in his head. Everyone knows that. Everyone.
“David Brooks is not a Trump supporter, he is truly a Trump hater.
ok that part is true…
When you have someone as liberal as him from the failing New York Times coming on and telling you
where do I start?..
there is nothing there, maybe, just maybe, the people in Washington should understand this,” he said. “There is no collusion. There is no obstruction. There was no communication.”
why not…
Of course, the point of an investigation is to gather evidence (or conclude there is none to be found after exhausting all leads). If the reason for conducting an investigation is complete evidence beforehand, then there would never be any need for any investigation. How absurd would this logic sound in any other criminal matter? “The police have presented no evidence of who committed the robbery, therefore the investigation into who committed the robbery must end immediately!”
BoBo Brooks can always be counted on for concern trolling…
Has Corey got his book deal yet ?
Brooks is not just right leaning and a hawk: he is a dangerous ideologue and panderer to extremists. He wrote in Nov. 2003 in “A burden too heavy to put down”, that Americans wouldn’t have the stomach to see the war through after war crimes were exposed.
He once wrote that gays who have multiple sex partners are committing “spiritual suicide”----nothing that applies to straight men, of course.
He’s a nasty, uneducated, innumerate fuck who should be a corner grocer, and not a weekly guest on national TV shows.
David Brooks is a Republican. A Never-Trumper, but a Republican nevertheless. Interesting that Corey Lewandowsky claims that “Democrats” say there’s no collusion because a moderate Republican columnist for the New York Times expressed some doubts. I guess anyone who writes for the Times is a Dem, in their point of view.