Discussion: Lewandowski: I Shared Report About Manafort's Ukraine Ties To Knock Unfair NYT!

That’s why I keep hammering them as bullshit artists. Liars are in abusive relationships with the truth. Bullshitters will say anything regardless of veracity. As long as it advances their narrative, its all good.


Trump’s a fantastic example of why the distinction matters. You have to know what sort of tactics you’re dealing with if you’re going to, you know, deal with them.


It’s simultaneously the natural result and next step of the Republican plan to utterly devalue government and public service.


I had a buddy years ago that went around telling everyone his wife was banging the head of the accounting department. We all wondered why it seemed he wanted to spread it around instead of keeping it under wraps. He said he was doing it to make the guy look bad. Couldn’t say he at least didn’t have a plan.


the Times reports negatively on Trump but ignores coverage of unflattering stories on Hillary Clinton’s campaign.

Really? That must a different NYT. The one I read has been obsessed with Hillary non-troversies and faux scandals; plays by “Clinton Rules;” and has had to correct aggressive articles about her emails on a few occasions because they didn’t get their facts straight.


I hope we don’t get nostalgic for Richard Nixon.


Lewandowski has continued to act as a booster for the Republican nominee on CNN. He has received phone calls from the real estate mogul on the network’s set, and was praised by Trump for remaining “very loyal” to him in his on-air appearances.

So why does CNN embrace this & find this to be “journalism” …is it because CNN can’t define “journalism”?


Did you happen to follow the highjinks during outgoing US Senator David Vitter’s campaign for Louisiana Governor?

Ah … Nixon was despicable in such pedestrian & conventional ways…

DAMN those 140 characters…they don’t divine what I MEAN!!!

Trump is corrupt. Manafort is corrupt. Lewandowski is corrupt. Lewandowski being paid simultaneously by the Trump campaign and CNN stinks to high hell!!


Yeah we know Manafort is not an amateur, the NYT article proves he is a pro.

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So Trump Jr, why did you keep amateur Corey for so long?

CNN sees only $$$ from advertising. And Trump gets that for them. Why else do we have to watch their vacuous junk!!!

I like how Junior doesn’t deny that Paul is amateur hour; he just says it’s not enough to be “You’re fired!”

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  • and in this context it would seem that for “pro” we can use the alternate definition of “a prostitute”
    as in - “Manafort is a self-serving opportunistic prostitute with no limits or boundaries whatsoever”

Oh sure, Lewandowski; poor Manafort is being treated unfairly by the Media. But a rightwing ginned-up scandal against Hillary about emails, that’s perfectly okay.


I take it then that you missed the Nixon White House?

ETA: Sorry, I didn’t see your disquisition on the NWH before posting. In defense, I’ll just point out that the NWH bequeathed us Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld, and Roger Ailes.

Funny thing is there’s no daddy driving the car to turn and tell the fighting kids in the back seat to knock it off.

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Camp Trump couldn’t find their ass if it was on fire and they had voice navigation.