Trustworthy senators… I’d say:
Warren, Franken, Merkley, maybe a few others, but it’s a very short list.
Trustworthy senators… I’d say:
Warren, Franken, Merkley, maybe a few others, but it’s a very short list.
Inhofe is the embodiment of willful ignorance.
In the end, evil sociopaths like “Ted” Cruz will sign on to TrumpNoCare. Destroying the lives of 22 million so the rich can get a tax cut is just so appealing to the likes of him.
Democrats need to say that the starting point is Medicare for all, and negotiate from that point.
Since the GOP run the entire federal government, voters screwed on health insurance (other than the hardcore idiot Trump GOP base) will blame the GOP if the ACA implodes on their watch. Health care is deeply personal.
OMG, this must be @publishermike
This user is suspended until March 24, 2020 8:40am.
Reason: even if you can behave for a couple of hours. No.
I suspect that the number of true no votes in the Senate is definitely larger than the current 9 and the number of yes votes is obviously larger than 5.
The dilemma of a Republican Senator (especially in expansion states); Vote yes to BCRAP and genuinely hurt your constituents while doing the wrong moral/ethical thing. Vote no to BCRAP and risk a primary challenge from the right.
They’'ll do this, ya know. Out of spite. Out of need to destroy anything the “black guy” did. This is craven and ugly.
Dean Heller:
It’s okay to send the pre-existings to the poorhouse and on to the morgue.
It’s okay to hit upper middle-aged people with massive premium increases.
It’s okay to ignore the greater need for support in high-cost areas.
It’s okay to leave important care items uncovered.
It’s okay to leave lifetime caps in.
It’s okay to kill off the provider of quality reproductive care, family planning, and health screening for millions of women.
It’s okay to use large co-pays to make it look like the insurance is less expensive.
It’s okay to make it easy for the young and healthy to drop insurance, making death-spiral premiums or very harsh filtering of pre-existing more likely.
It’s okay to cut hundreds of billions of dollars from Medicaid.
Just give me tens of billions added back to Medicaid so I can brag about saving it.
Shelley Moore Capito:
It’s okay to send the pre-existings to the poorhouse and on to the morgue.
It’s okay to hit upper middle-aged people with massive premium increases.
It’s okay to ignore the greater need for support in high-cost areas.
It’s okay to leave important care items uncovered.
It’s okay to leave lifetime caps in.
It’s okay to kill off the provider of quality reproductive care, family planning, and health screening for millions of women.
It’s okay to use large co-pays to make it look like the insurance is less expensive.
It’s okay to make it easy for the young and healthy to drop insurance, making death-spiral premiums or very harsh filtering of pre-existing more likely.
It’s okay to cut hundreds of billions of dollars from Medicaid.
Just phase the changes in slower, so the frogs don’t try to jump out of the pot before I retire from the Senate
Rob Portman:
It’s okay to send the pre-existings to the poorhouse and on to the morgue.
It’s okay to hit upper middle-aged people with massive premium increases.
It’s okay to ignore the greater need for support in high-cost areas.
It’s okay to leave important care items uncovered.
It’s okay to leave lifetime caps in.
It’s okay to kill off the provider of quality reproductive care, family planning, and health screening for millions of women.
It’s okay to use large co-pays to make it look like the insurance is less expensive.
It’s okay to make it easy for the young and healthy to drop insurance, making death-spiral premiums or very harsh filtering of pre-existing more likely.
It’s okay to cut hundreds of billions of dollars from Medicaid.
But Kasich and the newspapers are on my back, so I need some more billions earmarked for Medicaid addiction treatment and I need, I dunno, maybe a year or two delay before you yank coverage from the Medicaid expansion people.
Susan Collins:
It’s okay to send the pre-existings to the poorhouse and on to the morgue.
It’s okay to hit upper middle-aged people with massive premium increases.
It’s okay to ignore the greater need for support in high-cost areas.
It’s okay to leave important care items uncovered.
It’s okay to leave lifetime caps in.
It’s okay to kill off the provider of quality reproductive care, family planning, and health screening for millions of women.
It’s okay to use large co-pays to make it look like the insurance is less expensive.
It’s okay to make it easy for the young and healthy to drop insurance, making death-spiral premiums or very harsh filtering of pre-existing more likely.
It’s okay to cut hundreds of billions of dollars from Medicaid.
I want to be governor now, and the GOP Senate plan would make my state a miserable wreck. That doesn’t fly outside of Dixie, so could we please just tinker a little bit with Obamacare and call it a day? If you do, I promise to vote for all the other GOP bills that will make my state a mostly miserable wreck.
Lisa Murkowski:
I’m sort of with Susan now, i think. I didn’t expect Trump would win and we would take the Senate, so I haven’t paid much attention to the details of repeal plans. Defunding Planned Parenthood is stupid. I know that much for certain. The guys in Alaska all think they are self reliant, so maybe give me Obamacare without the individual mandate, but then add in money so our hospitals don’t go broke providing uncompensated care to all the tough guys who end up there. Will that work?
Mike Lee:
I’d cream my jeans if you issued licenses for hunters to cull the human herd.
Rand Paul:
I declare America to be Galt’s Gulch. If you can’t afford health insurance, I’d like you to leave now so we don’t have to see your worthless carcass when you die.
Ted Cruz:
[annoying sound of mosquito who thinks god made him more special than everyone else]
Ron Johnson:
Am I the only one smart enough to understand that the reason health insurance is so expensive is that insurance companies pay a lot of money for people who need healthcare? I know how to fix that. Just put those people in a plan that treats them with ground unicorn horns and we’ve got cheap insurance that covers everyone.
Bill Cassidy:
I truly believe Trumpp meant what he promised about health insurance during the campaign and that he has the ability to come through with it. …Why are you all looking at me like that?
Merkley’s off ever since he said promised the Dems would back to a 60-vote threshold for SCt nominees. Literally enshrining different rules for Dems. Eff that noise.
Exactly. No more negotiating from the 50-yard line.
Nailed the Collins and Lee. Still trying to figure out what, if anything, is going on in Dean Heller’s head.
Another excellent analysis by Tierney Sneed.
Yeah, I can’t see her being at TPM a whole lot longer.
I 100% trust my junior Senator, Jeff Merkley. There are a few others I trust in the 90% range.
Exactly… Medicare for all. Have the Democrats pound this idea every chance they get. At least if the Republicans pass there bill I believe Medicare for all is wanted by a large majority of citizens. If not, 2020 will have Democrats running the White House and both houses of congress. people have had enough.
Medicare for all + dental.
I took “trustworthy” to be a reflection of character and a desire to serve the country rather than self, not just a synonym for agreement.