Discussion: LePage: Public Campaign Financing Is Similar To 'Giving Your Wife Your Checkbook'

Discussion for article #242073

Governor LePage is a proud high school graduate, and none of you haters can ever take that away.


Uhm…he doesn’t let his wife have a checkbook? What a bizarre man. I’m sure that’s a happy marriage.


Wow. What century is this pig living in?


Aw…Paul! You ol’ kidder, you!

What century is this?

She hasn’t told him about all the credit cards she has…

Heh heh hehe

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If you live here in Maine you ought to join my group:
Paul LePage is an Ass

Feel free to post whatever you want to on the subject of LePage and his bumpkin bagger Maine allies.We need to clean up our nice Maine home.

Hope to see this ignorant basterd impeached come January.Furthermore we would love to see him charged and brought before a Judge.Plus he is already being sued in court by Eves who will win the lawsuit.


It must really suck to be married to him.

Everytime I settle my mind on the fact that Bobby JIndal is the dumbest Governor in the USA, Paul LePage opens his yap and causes me to reconsider my position!

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Who writes checks anymore???


He’s dumber than a bag of rocks.

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That lady gave a perfect response to him.

I have a dream that, confronted with no clear choice for the presidential nomination, the Republican Party will turn to LePage as a candidate the entire GOP can unite behind.

After all, the governor might bring along perhaps the overwhelming 40 percent of the vote that he’s eaked out in two three-way elections in the crucial swing state of Maine, thus assuring the Grand Old Party a sure victory in the Electoral College.

What about Walker and Bentley?

What if your wife has her own successful career and doesn’t need your checkbook? I guess that’s not possible in LePage’s world.