… litotes is a figure of speech and form of verbal irony in which understatement is used to emphasize a point by stating a negative to further affirm a positive, often incorporating double negatives for effect.
@tena beat me to it, but i think you are spot on. They are continuing to undermine the report, rather than accept its conclusions. That’s because they can’t politically accept its conclusions. If they did, they’d have to agree with Democrats, and that is against the rules. So, they’ve boxed themselves into a corner with no politically sensible way out. They’re going down. HARD!
I could spend the time to provide links to a lot of stupid stuff Mike Lee has said, but I will leave the application of a Google search to the reader. Let it suffice that my opinion of Mike Lee is that he is one very stupid mofo. I said stupid…not ignorant. I don’t recall the D congressperson’s name, but they said something like “If Mike Lee can become senator, there is no limit on what you can accomplish.” I love that subtle and polite nuance. That’s not a direct quote even though I used quotation marks.
I find it kind of odd that we have a Senior Senator from the one state dominated by a religious cult who is so fucking uncultured that all he can do is cite Shrek 3. I mean not to be elitist or anything…But I stopped after Shrek 2, my son having outgrown the series.
Anyway, it is clear that Mike Lee is immune to embarrassment.
That is the issue with the report. While it was hidden away, all content was speculative. Still trying to understand Barr’s fumbling of the report. Obviously good help is hard to get nowadays when it comes to evil underhandedness. Thought the would have been far more sophisticated. Instead, he boldly contrasted the contents as compared to his behavior.
With the Mueller report out and well written, Trump and Republican’s lost not just the No Collusion gambit, but all the subsidiary opportunities to refute even a discussion of Trump as a person. It paints a pretty nasty picture of the man and those around him. Once again, time is not working in Trump’s favor. Which is why I feel calls for impeachment are fine, but give it a few days. Let the content and the dawning understanding of who this president really is make a serious foot hold.
Face the Nation is more like Farce of the Nation. They surely know better than to let this lying sack of shit get by with that kind of nonsense. I wonder how much they get paid to just act stupid in bonus money.
I watched the interview and Lee actually said, “Not one scintilla of evidence.” I was shocked that Schiffer didn’t call him on that patent lie, and wrote to CBS to tell them so. The conservative spin machine is in overdrive.
I could have sworn I heard Lindz say something about investigating the investigators. Maybe that was before the redacted report had been released and only the Barr pack of lies was out.