How is this possible? The system is supposed to be safeguarded!?
Maybe Avenatti has them? Couldn’t hurt to ask…
Is this guy saying that the database in the treasury department is missing 2 SAR reports and implying that they were removed from the database?
If so that needs to be investigated, such a database should have logs and backups so if someone did try to remove a report it would be hard to do so with out some proof of that.
PS: The banks likely also still have these reports saved somewhere, if Mueller finds that a bank has the SAR and the Treasury database had records removed… someone is going to jail for that for sure, it would be like having a cop go burn evidence in a police department lockup, though in this case there are copies of that elsewhere.
It’s the Pepsi Syndrome!
Funny business involving Trump and his attorney? I never heard of such a thing!
I wish I could think all these machinations will somehow ensnare 45 so that there is no wriggling out of them. He’s avoided accountability all his life. Nothing would make me happier than to see him definitively nailed for all the world to see.
Inside job – by someone who was paid off – is my guess.
ETA: We had a dirty court clerk around here a couple of years ago – I think he managed to erase criminal convictions or judgments for a price, but the FBI was called in and they arrested him and his accomplices.
This article should make clearer that, according to the New Yorker piece, the person leaking this information did it because he was concerned that information was being withheld from law enforcement.
This is my daughter Ivanka, my son Fredo and my other son Fredo. Over there is my lawyer, Fredo.
I am suspecting that the respective offices of Hayes and Maddow have just exploded in paper flying all about. Again. Too much input, it is going ta blow cap’n !
It feels like we are all sinking under the mounds of indicators of sketchy behavior.
The amount of people who would have access to remove records from that database would be very small, and they would also need to remove a bunch of logs that would show what they did, since all commands in a database like that are logged, and they would have to be able to remove the backups of those files unless they somehow removed them quick enough which i doubt given the timeline. That all said, if someone did get paid off to do that, and it gets audited, they are likely very screwed.
Occh, laddie! A’ tried puttin’ a West Highland Terrier in tha Warrp Drive, but it dinna do na guid!
Not to mention that this data gets used by other systems, and a difference between the two would flow giant red flags.
Example of a public system that has some interesting summary reports about SARs.
That is rich. Thank you. He should have gone with an OchsHoont.
Try reversing the polarity. That usually works.
But, Mr. Spock, A tried that. A puit the wee doggie in tail first.
That all said, if someone did get paid off to do that, and it gets audited, they are likely very screwed.
Probably some witch. Y’know if go hunting for witches, you sometimes find them.
Occh, laddie! A’ tried puttin’ a West Highland Terrier in tha Warrp Drive, but it dinna do na guid!
Captain, the removal of the SARS and accompanying logs would require an individual with at least an A-4 computer expert classification. Fortunately, I hold an A-7 classification.
How is this possible? The system is supposed to be safeguarded!?
Three possibilities immediately spring to mind: G, R, and U.