Discussion: Lawyer Of Murdered Nuns' Families: 'I Know' O'Reilly Didn't See Killings

Discussion for article #233998

A long time ago this happened to Bill O’Reilly - and he has been crazy ever since -

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O’Reilly will be relevant for only a few more years. The median age of his audience is 72.1 years of age.

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O’Reily also saw the Hindenburg explode and walked on the Moon.

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Goddamn who really gives a shit!

It is not original with me, but there is a great idea for a coffee-table book called “Winess to History”–photos of O’Reilly looking at photos.



Roger Ailes proves that he doesn’t care about the truth, facts, or anything else so long as he can advance his master plan to instal Richard Nixon as President Forever.

Maybe he saw a picture of nuns somewhere. That counts, doesn’t it?

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The tragedy of this is that all the haters will cast doubt on his personal anecdotes from his upcoming book, “Killing Obi Wan”


Lying is a feature of Fox News programming, not a bug. It is the essence of their marketing plan. And their audience loves it.

They’re reprobates. “Fair and balanced”, indeed.

Ladies and gentlemen, Bill would like to introduce you to his good friend Charles Darwin…

Isn’t this exciting?


Billo’s next book: “Killing Truth”


Exciting indeed. And his constantly changing explanations are certainly evolutionary.

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If Bill said he was there you can take it to the bank just like he does. I disremember why he didn’t save them all Rambo and stuff; an’ maybe he did but just hasn’t seen fit to tell us yet.
Sheeeeit! Jus’ like a bunch of libtardashians to question stuff before Bill can repeat it enough times to make it true.

No one trully appreciates the impact that PTTVSD (Post-Traumatic Television Stress Disorder) can have on people who have seen action… or about action, in the theaters or on television. It happened to Ronald Reagan, Brian Williams, and now Bill O’Reilly has been outed… watching combat on television or studio tape, or possibly portraying a soldier in a broadcast production has lasting effects on the psyche people never recover from.

I honestly don’t know how actors like Tom Hanks, Arnold Schwartzenegger, Clint Eastwood, and Matt Damon can make it through the nightmares night after night after night… OK, Eastwood seems to be moving in the Reagan direction, but still.

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Had O’Reilly seen those killings his recollections would have been of considerable intelligence concern. He would have been interrogated on them. Is there a record of that? Had he been at the front door of that guy that killed himself when the act took place, actually hearing the gun blast, he would have been the major witness to the event. Is there a record of police interrogation of him. That would have happened had he heard what he claimed to have heard.

I think we all know what the answers to all the O’Reilly crap are.


“I am coming after you with everything I have,” he told the Nuns. “You can take it as a threat.”



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O’Reilly is so in touch with his emotions, and is so sensitive to the suffering of others (especially the weak), in his mind and heart he is able to unknowingly conflate seeing photos of human suffering and violence with him actually witnessing it. Similarly his motherly, worrisome persona unwittingly tricks and deludes his own sense of reality enough to say being in actual war where people are actually killed is no different than being in a street protest where no lives were actually lost and no one was really risking there lives.

The easy explanation is that he has been deceptive, exaggerated and condemned/threatened all who question his plainly false literal accounts so as to prove his righteousness and courage.

Thats not it at all. He has such a soft heart for war dead, protest cameramen, weak innocent bystanders and victims in general that he simply becomes closer to their struggles and experiences in his mind. He is unaware of the exaggeration and stretching of the facts to make a victims circumstances seem more dangerous than they were. He so wants the world to feel the personal pain and empathy he feels for massacred innocents he reports an alternate reality where he actually believes he is there when they die to allowing his viewers to share his unwavering love and empathy for the weak and unfortunate.

A true culture warrior, lying without even realizing it to allow the rest of the world to become similarly in touch with their compassionate, caring, effeminate emotions as he is.

We know you are guided by love and tenderness, Bill. It’s so sweet of you to care so much. You are like a big soft bunny of exaggerating and personalizing ignored human suffering.


Can I just say that watching O’Lielly struggle here is a great pleasure…