Discussion: Lawsuit Seeks Removal Of California Split Initiative From Ballot

Venture firm Draper Fisher Jurvetson goes to Russia

That’s from 2007. Nothing to see here. Move along.


Not to mention nullifying the nation’s most politically Democratic state.


When Citizen’s United was decided, everyone focused on the impact it would have on corporations getting into political speech. The stealth attack that no one saw coming was the increasing involvement of the billionaires in politics. I don’t have direct data to articulate the point, but it seems like this situation also stems from that empowerment of the most powerful.


Take it from a native. It isn’t going to happen.


Ohhhh…Misread. I thought they were going to remove the “California split infinitive” from the ballot. Like the Harvard comma, or whatnot. Didn’t seem too terribly difficult.


Yes, it is. But “stupidest idea I’ve ever heard of” turns out to be a highly competitive bracket these days.

Like trashing the system of alliances that we built up for over half a century. Unless, of course, you’re doing the bidding of your handlers in Moscow.

Like picking a trade war with the whole world at once. Unless, of course, you’re a dunce who thinks all of international trade works like the New York real estate market.

I tell ya, it’s hard to pick even just a handful of, um, “winners”.


The real purpose of CU is to funnel money from PACs to big GOP media content and delivery companies, to make them even more powerful, and enrich their owners, and further entrench the RW media in our infrastructure.

It’s a feedback loop of money and power.


They are asking the court to promptly remove it.


I suppose it’s OK to talk about what this is really about? It’s about diminishing California’s whopping EC clout. Northern Cali is hopelessly Democartic so whack it away from Southern Cali which is near 50 / 50 and hope the new southern state goes GOP on occasion. That’s it and I’d be very surprised if the GOP rubber stamp called SCOTUS takes it off the ballot. I doubt it passes though.

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Have fun with that so-cal republicans. You might want to think about how you need drinking water to live though.


Because California is a state in the United States of America.

California may have the 5th largest economy in the world but that doesn’t figure in what it gets from the federal government by way of highways to move products and agriculture subsidies and on and on.

But mostly because this is the goddamn United State of America.


Fuck the “United States of America”. What does that mean in 2018? Donald Trump is our leader. The raciest GOP control everything. The last 50 years we got Vietnam, Richard Nixon, Ronald Reagan, George Bush, Iraq, etc, etc, etc…if you subtract some of the blue states, what you are left with is one SHITHOLE of a country. There is absolutely no upside in California remaining in this fucked up union. Let’s just declare Putin the winner and be done with it.

I predict that, by 2020, California will not be part of the European Union.


Forget defense spending, in the age of the internet all that money should go to convincing your enemies’ citizens to commit self-inflicted injuries. More efficacy than stockpiling doomsday weapons!


How so? They’d still get the same number of EC votes as they have representatives and they’d get 6 for their senators vs. 2. So, the voters of California would have slightly more leverage in the EC than they do today. (Ignoring, obviously, three smaller winner-take-all blocks.) The folks in Wyoming still have WAY MORE leverage in the EC than those in the Three Californias would have.

Independent of which side of the fence the Senators would be on, they would give the citizens of California 3x the representation they have in the Senate today. Right now they have, in the Senate, the same population and 1/22 as much representation as the smallest 22 state combined, IIRC.

Lot easier too. Lots of soft brains out there apparently.


Pretty much our (CAs) entire initiative system is controlled by billionaires and business interests. Mungers, Drapers - all using their daddy’s money to advance their pet (right wing) agendas.

I think this is going before the California supreme court not the US supreme court.

you must read the book: “Criswell Predicts”