Discussion: Lawsuit Accuses Ferguson Cop Of Hog-Tying, Choking A 12-Year-Old Boy

THis DanGERous TwEEN NEEDed to BE SEcUREd bEFORE HE MENAcINGly PiCKEd UP any MORe maIL!!!11!one!!!



‘It doesn’t help that the only folks determining who would be a good hire are all bigots as well.’


But when the apples at the top of the bushel are all rotten to the core, maggot infested and swarming with flies, gnats and fungus, what else should we expect from the rest of the bushel?

These rotten bushels aren’t that hard to find, either, they all stink if you get close enough to smell them.

It is time to start sniffing them out instead of waiting for the stench to get so bad it turns into another Ferguson event.

We are seeing clear patterns here that identify these little powder-keg communities…traffic-ticket economies; predominantly white cops, city councils and prosecutors in predominantly mixed villages; unresolved police brutality complaints; suspicious avoidance of body and dash cam standards, extreme arrests for minor offenses, and a distinct pattern of protection for the guilty cops…

It should not be that hard to label the worst offenders, but is Ferguson the tip of the iceberg or just an exception?

I fear it is the former. I hope I am wrong.

The information will drip out over time to show a sad situation where police violence was condoned in pursuit of profit and fear.

Wilson the officer who shot Brown joined the Ferguson PD from another Jim Crow town who decided to disband its PD and start all over, due to racial hostility. State and local governments turned a blind eye to this profiteering and apartheid.

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Pretty sure those were two separate dickbags, actually.

Sure, good cops will hire good cops.

Problem is you’re at kind of a chicken-and-egg problem at this point.

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If Ferguson is any example, these eggs are rotten enough that we should be able to find them before they hatch into next summer’s race riots.

Seems to me, if Detroit can be purloined and power-managed by a Governor for fiscal issues, surely the same or even more stringent standards can be applied to replace these lily-white police forces and city councils with something that looks more like their own citizens.

Offer more of Ferguson’s residents a chance to utilize the ballot box.

The smartest thing the people there could do right now is to establish a slate of trusted fellows from their common ranks to step in and take over as a team, after a sweeping election.

Then THAT newly elected body of diverse, trusted citizens should…

  1. fire the police force wholesale, top to bottom
  2. offer someone like Ron Johnson (if he isn’t the Mayor by then) a worthy salary to run their police force
  3. let the new hiring begin under better scrutiny, with a much more noble purpose in mind than hiring bully-bigot cops with a stop-and-ticket mandate .
  4. make the entire process completely transparent, and seat a FEDERAL grand jury to look EXHAUSTIVELY into every crack and crevice that might hold a hint as to how this all transpired in the first place.
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Maybe it happened just after the Trayvon Martin execution?

I see the ‘at least we did not shoot him defense’ in opening arguments to describe the humanity of Ferguson’s PD

Apparently there was a nearby police department that was terminated because it was so corrupt. A lot of those cops ended up in Ferguson and STL County. Can’t remember where I read it, sorry.

It is time that policing become a profession instead of an afterthought that some men and women go into after they have left the military. Hiring should be based on learning that focuses on community policing that is based on professional standards written by all members of the community.

Frankly military experience prior to being a peace officer may be preferable. At least then there is some chance the person spent some time in an organized and highly trained unit. But I think most cops just come straight out of high school and maybe junior college.

excuse me but thats “shit for brains sean hannity”…and dont you forget it!!! lol