Discussion: Lawrence O'Donnell Says He Can Now Walk Without A Cane

"Mein Fuehrer! I can walk!!"

So wrong. He and his brother were passengers in a taxi. But donā€™t let the facts confuse you.


Now, if Lawrence would only get rid of that God awful beard. Worst one Iā€™ve seen in years.

I am so tired of this guyā€™s pity party. this guy is a drama queen

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Not to mention that it was the driver that hit them who was drunk. Entirely out of their control.

He grew the beard on doctorā€™s orders ā€“ couldnā€™t risk the possibility of infection from a cut. I imagine heā€™ll shave it off at some point in the not-too-distant future. But I donā€™t think it looks all that bad.


Cheers to us all!
Dual hip replacements last winter.

Walking without assistance is a huge (pun intended) first step!


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Typical bagger. Ignorant of the facts.



Pity party? He and his brother were almost killed and both were very badly injured. Heā€™s lucky to be alive and is merely acknowledging that fact. How the hell is that a pity party?


He recounted his accident and even thanked the conservative benefactor David Koch for donating millions to the hospital where he was treated.


Now if Oā€™Donnell could just get sinister people like Bloomberg to do the same kind of donations, it would be great. BTW, Lawrence, donā€™t forget to mention that to Harry Reid.

You had my sympathy and best wishes until that last line. Now Iā€™ll never watch your show again. I donā€™t see your characteristic smirk anymore thoughā€¦maybe itā€™s just the beard.

Yes he is smart and on target. I enjoy his show

How silly. He was just giving them credit for doing a good thing. I am sure he still despises them to his core but being a liberal comes with giving credit where credit is due

Plucky donā€™t waste your breath on Lamonth. He is a pathetic loser

Typical repuke - stupid to the core and proud of it. Hot damn!!