This is infuriating as I’m sure this is meant to be for some strange reason I can’t quite fathom. This State cop spokesman needs to be asked if the State Police are the ones in charge, leading the monitoring. If not, he should shut the fuck up and quit trying to run interference. Some of these State cops are real rightwing loons themselves. I thought the FBI was in charge of this situation as this group is occupying Federal land while using Federal property.
What the F*&^??? How is this considered Law Enforcement? Arrest the assholes and get this over with.
Good post…thanks.
What the actual fuck?!?
“We are not monitoring their movements,” Fugate says.
I must assume then that occupying federal facilities is not illegal. This then opens a real can 'o worms for sure.
As I posted I like El Tovar as my summer residence.
What is really going on at Area 51 anyway?
Can I charge rent for Congress’s use of the Capitol?
Folks, feel free to add to this list.
Maybe L.E. is trying to psych the loons out. Let them leave and then arrest them one-by-one at the Qwik-E-Mart. It’d be like that old Farside cartoon:
Free to come and go as they please?
Sandra Bland commits a minor scofflaw (operating a vehicle with a defective tail lamp) and gets pulled over, then detained for getting allegedly impudent with the investigating officer. For her alleged impudence she’s arrested and taken to jail.
These people arm themselves and seize Federal property on Federal land (contrast that offense with Bland’s defective tail lamp) and announce they’re not going anywhere, are taking “defensive positions” and are prepared to die for their cause (contrast that with Bland’s alleged impudence).
Being Caucasian, carrying a gun, and pairing your crime with a pronounced dislike of the Federal Government pretty much renders you coated in Teflon.
So, not really a standoff?
This is fucking ridiculous. They should be arrested. Period. End of story. This is turning into a white privilege circus…and I really hate to harp on that point, but that’s what this is. Everyone knows precisely how this would have shaken out if it was armed and angry black guys calling themselves a “militia” (anyone familiar with the 1985 MOVE fiasco in Philly during which the police killed 11 of the protesters by bombing their holdout?). In fact, that just made me realize we’d be hearing the words “gang” and “thug” left and right on the MSM (particularly Faux News) if this were black dudes…and if that was the case, there’d be no question from any of the bobbleheads that this is “not what militia activity means or what the founders intended by it.” “Militia” wouldn’t even be on the semantic fucking radar. So…anyone familiar enough with criminal laws in OR to tell us whether this falls afoul of any of OR’s criminal statutes prohibiting and punishing gang related activity?
Don’t get me wrong: I’m sympathetic to the idea that hey, some people believe in different things than I do, but we should all have the right to peaceably assemble and even engage in some civil disobedience to get our causes noticed and highlight what we feel is an injustice. Setting aside that these guys are armed and threatened to hurt people if law enforcement tried to remove them, I wouldn’t really have a problem with their little “sit in”. Except you can’t set that aside…it colors the entire thing.
Part of this whole protesting process…it seems to me…is that if you choose to use the method of civil disobedience that breaks the law, then you have knowingly accepted that you are making a sacrifice in employing that methodology and expect to be arrested, charged and prosecuted (which you obviously hope results in jury nullification and a change in the law or policy). Allowing these bearded methbilly assclowns to just come and go as they please, however, just seems absurd, turns it all into a farce, especially and specifically because they have done this under the cloak of threatened violence. This is not peaceable assembly and should therefore not be tolerated, given a wide berth or handled with kid gloves. And yes, I agree with Josh that the point should be that maybe all such incidents should be handled this peacefully…equalizing things by bringing the violence down for minority community, not up for the white community…but there’s got to be some fucking line somewhere, no?
This entire thing is being handled…and I am starting to believe it is deliberate…in a manner that will encourage more of this bullshit from other pseudo-militia weekend daycamp warriors. These particular inbred walking cowboy cartoons seem to be of the talk-tough-but-no-follow-through variety, but you can be sure that not all will be…and you can now be sure that more of this militia circus is on its way to a theater near you.
These folks want their home back to normal. Easiest way for that to happen is for these assholes to pick up and leave. The sheriff has already made a statement asking them to just go home. That’s the desired outcome. These folks do not want their town or state turned upside-down with confrontations and arrests and press and they certainly do not want anyone getting killed.
Best approach here is wu-wei. Let them do their thing. If they cause property damage they will be sued after the fact. No one is danger. The assholes can say nothing bad about how the gubment has treated them throughout this, they are being given nothing they can spin into a tale of oppression, heroism, whatever. They do not even get to say they were cold or hungry, they get nothing they can use. Public opinion, even among wingnuts, is in the toilet.
Sounds pretty damned smart to me.
This is continuing to be the lamest sit-in/protest ever.
Armed white thugs have demonstrated for all to see that they have very successfully intimidated the Federal government all over the American west. Since nobody in the FBI, Justice Department, or the Obama Administration has demonstrated even the tiniest bit of concern that the authority of the United States Government has been repudiated openly and without repercussions, the only sensible thing for Obama to do is announce that the government is immediately turning over all federal lands to armed white militias, and then beg their forgiveness. After all, we don’t want to make armed white people mad at us.
It’s like the 1970 movie, “Suppose they gave a war and nobody came”
The truth of the matter is the fact that these Y’all Qaeda types are really not all that different from the police in rural Oregon. They see themselves as being cut from the same cloth so of course they’re being treated with kid gloves. Tribalism is alive and well in America.
That was a mild response compared to the Wounded Knee Massacre which occurred on December 29, 1890:
Last year, I finally got around to reading Dee Brown’s " Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee". That book really opened my eyes.
Apparently not.
yeah, probably… but it would be because you’re IRISH…
‘No Irish Need Apply’
More of a winter vacation, really.
I think the desired outcome would be one which resulted in no more incidents like this. Allowing these thugs to break the law, threaten to kill anyone who tries to enforce it, and thumb their noses at the federal government (who owns the land they’ve “occupied”) with impunity, will only lead to more of the same. That’s not a desirable outcome.