Discussion: Laura Ingraham Blasts Raul Labrador As Too Pro-Immigration

Discussion for article #224070

Well, we gotta love it when bubbles collide! Is Ingraham really so stupid that she believes that legal immigrants and those on workers visas are taking jobs that Americans want or are qualified for?

What happened when the migrant workers did not show up to pick tomatoes in Alabama a few years ago? How long did workers from local towns and cities last in those fields hmmmmm? 1 day? 2?

What about the year that the migrants failed to show up to pick Washington’s apple crop? Same story different crop and state.

The West coast is seeing a serious shortage of farm laborers due to both the fog over immigration and rising wages in Mexico. Food prices are rising to reflect that.

And then we have the tech workers here on I9 visas. Without them America would be slipping in technological innovation instead of leading.

The reality is that Americans no longer are willing to do stoop labor, it’s too hard on our fat little bodies and quite frankly it’s beneath our dignity! And while American kids are enamored of electronic games very few want to take the match and science courses necessary to become technical innovators.

I occasionally meet an young American with a masters or PhD in the hard sciences but it’s increasingly rare.

If idiots like Ingraham had their way America would become a nation of easily managed lazy compliant people addicted to Faux Snooze, eating institutionally prepared microwave meals who are very angry at all them there ferriners what did this to them.


Ingraham doesn’t believe in letting wages be decided by the free market?


It’s scary to see and hear just how a radio talker creates republican party policy from the comfort of a TV studio… Labrador will of course fold, even though he was for immigration reform but will soon be against it


Exactly, the Republican leaders are all on Fox and Clear Channel, not Congress.


Funny, I always thought lawlessness was the ultimate goal of these conservative types.


Laura is feeling the blush of Pundit Power™ now that her best boy David Brat won a primary due to her propagandistic help. I predict that her head will continue to swell, she will overreach, and eventually implode. Nature, karma, and the 2nd Law of Thermodynamics demand it.


“Ingraham asked Labrador … to restrict new flows of immigration – legal or illegal – into the country, and he declined, saying he supports legal immigration.”

The GOP has ladled from its Barrel Of Hate so often that demonizing legal immigrants is what they’re now scraping from the bottom?


I’m betting on explosion, not implosion.

[quote]… how little room Republicans have to address the issue before they begin to anger the right-wing faithful[/quote]This implies that everyone “faithful” on the right agrees with Ingraham, which is highly unlikely. More likely, it’s just yet another vocal group on the right that will throw a tantrum on national TV/radio until the “unfaithful” give in to their demands.

It’s more like hostage taking or “pro” wrestling than anything.


My brother-in-law lives in Arkansas, and a few years ago he was working for a real estate developer on a new residential subdivision. The land had never been developed before and there was a great deal of brush, small trees, rocks, etc etc to clear. My BIL was in charge of getting that done, and so he tried mightily to find good ol’ native-born Americans in the area to do the work in the broiling summer Arkansas sun.

He spent many days looking for local young men, white or black, to take on the job, and the couple who deigned to take on such backbreaking work lasted just a day or two and then quit. He was finally forced to admit defeat and hired some Hispanic guys to do the work, and work they did, without complaint or problems for the many days required to complete the job.

The notion that Hispanic immigrants are taking the hard physical jobs that white or black Americans would otherwise be clamoring to do is 100% complete and utter bullshit.


If they let Ingraham shape policy for their party, they are really screwed

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The Republican infighting looks like an episode of *Iron Chef, *and the secret ingredient is Long Pig…

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Most commenters here are truly ignorant about the status of US workers. Hard sciences? There is a great interest in them with US students, until they get to college. There, TAs (grad students) are from China and other areas, and cannot speak English. The inability of the TA to clearly explain things is a huge problem. When I was taking classes in 1970s, this problem was beginning. There were numerous revolts against the TAs who could not speak English. This drives US students away from the sciences. Plus US students are in debt, while foreign students pay very little for undergrad, and can afford grad school.

Well, as a matter of fact, many are. H1 visas are the darling of the tech industry as the likes of Microsoft and even smaller firms love to hire Indian techs and pay them anywhere from 1/3 to 2/3 of what they would have to pay U.S. citizens with the same background.

Otherwise, with regards to stoop labor, housekeeping and construction work, there is some truth to the saw that immigrants mostly take jobs Americans won’t do.

At the same time, Chinese and Indian universities turn out too many tech, math and science grads and both nations are awash in under or unemployed tech/science grads (enter H1 visa).

Whenever people talk about how we don’t produce enough of these, they are merely parroting the popular myth.

In crudest terms, think of it this way: In terms of work produced and value added, a single chemist does the same amount of work if not more than several fry cooks, construction laborers or farm laborers. You simply don’t need colleges to turn out five or ten times as many hard science and mathematicians as they each have, in individual economic terms, high productivity. Further, our mostly “post-industrial” world economy is consumer oriented. Y9ou don’t need too many mathematicians, engineers or chemists to product most of what fills our Targets, Wal-Marts, Sears, Macys, Kroegers, Whole Foods etc., etc.

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I never would have guessed in a million years that a man named Raul would be pro-immigration. You can’t make up things like this.

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What an insulting, self-righteous prick you make yourself out to be.
Can’t you make your point without showing your ass?


The would-be Republican “leaders” would be wise to sway to the whims of loudmouth, self absorbed radio hosts. That really backs up their leadership credentials and reinforces their unwavering commitment to their principles. Doh!

Raul, doesn’t appear to be afraid to offend just about everyone, including his own people. He’s a rock!

The tone of your post would seem to indicate that you’re angry because a more talented and qualified person beat you out of a job. Otherwise you’d not be using terms like “stupid” or “scab scum”. It pretty much defines you as a sore loser when you do so.

What 6 million jobs are you referring to? Got any details?

The matter of those with J-1 visas is a distinctly separate matter from that of skilled tech workers on a H-1B. I’ve written emails to my congressional reps a few times about the tax breaks and the avoidance of payroll taxes. This is a very real dilemma.

Putting aside the J-1 matter, who are these “teens from Arlington” who are losing jobs to H-1b workers? What degrees have they worked to obtain? Why are they losing out? Does it have anything to do with their work ethic perhaps?

I’m retired now but the company I co-founded still finds it almost impossible to find and hire qualified scientists with American origins.

And I need workers who put in a good days labor in my vineyards. Two of the three locals that we hired last season did not make it even one week and one caused thousands of dollars damage while texting one of his buddies on my time.