Discussion: Latino PAC Offers $5K For Someone To Call Trump A 'Racist' During SNL

Discussion for article #242533

Trump brings in a coach bus of supporters, so does this PAC. A fight breaks out in the studio, spills on to the set…must see TV! LOL

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Trump on the other hand, will be giving five grand to this guy. http://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-34703281

I was wondering about this happening on live TV.

Trump: Hey, I can help out. I will call myself Racist and shout your PAC’s name as well. I will then donate the money back to you. My ratings will only go up.

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Does the PAC care if it is an illegal immigrant? Just asking!

By the way, can anyone explain to me how “illegal” became PC when it comes to immigrants, and “criminal conduct” when it comes to every other illegal activity?

They could have saved their money…I’d PAY to do it.


Disgusting. This is what our politics have become. What a horrible precedent to set.

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It’s too bad this can’t be arranged without everyone knowing about it. Now Trump and the SNL cast get to rehearse a funny response.


The precedent was set awhile ago. But yes. Rome is the mob.

I know, right? Telegraphing their strategies has not worked out so well for adversaries in the GOP cock fight.
Having said that, I’d be happy to call Trump a racist when I watch SNL from my couch.

Hahaha…this should be good. I wonder how many people will get themselves ejected for this haha

I’m not convinced there a funny response exists to multiple random people calling you out as a racist on live national television. At best, they could maybe try to deflate it…perhaps by preemptively faking a funny interruption, which I’m pretty sure they’ve done in the past, and in that way beat them to it. I’d imagine they’d have to make it part of his monologue.

Calling a racist a racist is disgusting or having to pay someone to do it?

This is not enough. The only way inviting a piece of garbage like Trump on your program is acceptable is if you dump a bucket of blood on him while he’s on stage. But instead of the traditional pig’s blood, it should be Megyn Kelly’s menses.

My first thought–this is incredibly rude and disruptive to the professional entertainers performing for millions.

My second thought–Trump deserves it; live by the broadcast insult, die by one.

Heavily delayed, ‘live’ TV…

Alan Swann says top my live performance, Donnie.


If he donates the money later to the Clinton or Sanders’ campaigns, drinks all around.

Bad idea. The networks when broadcasting live make sure they’re on 5 or 7 second delay. The yelled comment would be easily cut out by whatever means are at the networks disposal. The ensuing backlash would give tRump another reason (as if he needs one) to go on to build his racist branding further by playing the victim. Any Latino group considering this idea is using the same stunt mentality as tRump in a quixotic attempt to bring him down.

Imo, it would have the opposite effect. It would endear him to the low-information, anti-immigrant GOP base even more assiduously.