Discussion for article #244904
But, but…It’s snowing in northern Minnesota, and Obama flies in a big jet. We’re going to turn into Sweden, and Bill Clinton’s cigar!
I hope someone is writing down the names of the Deniers so we know who to chase down with our pitchforks…
It wasn’t the hottest here in Michigan, but it was probably the only place in the world, on the entire map where it wasn’t unbelievably hotter. Even so, unlike Inhofe and his jolly snowmen, I believe global warming is a dangerous and real thing to keep denying. Unfortunately, ignoring climate science is a rite of passage into the Republican party, and continuing to deny its effects gets you the endorsement of the fossil fuel industry, along with some serious donations to your campaign. Their brain-dead ideology will end up getting lots of people killed by the effects of this problem if we don’t work to solving it as a country.
Once again you numbnuts out their…weather is different than climate. Learn some fucking basic science already, or at best rely on the 97% of climate scientists that have told us the science is unassailable.
We have two weathermen where I live, representing one channel here in GR, WOOD TV 8, that had come out years ago as climate deniers in regards to global-warming. One of them debated a climate scientist from NASA in a taped forum at one point. The other wrote ridiculous diatribes using junk science, with the help of a handful of paid scientists from the fossil fuel industry to “debate the science”. The intent was to debunk what they called the global warming crisis as a hoax, while claiming it was entirely made-up issue that was politically motivated.
Yes, there are Republican weathermen out there with an ideological bent too. I refuse to watch their weather reports, or the news that comes out of that station now because of their denialism. I can’t believe they’re still employed at the local station here either but its probably because it’s rightwing owned I’m guessing. Its fucking embarrassing to see these people claim to know science and spout fiction the way they do. Makes you wonder how many other local weathermen and women around the country are out there feeding this bunk to other local populations around the country with their take on the world’s climate. They pass themselves off as experts when their only expertise is the 10 day forecast at best.
New record?
There’s got to be a plausible Biblical explanation; we just have to wait for it.
Snow on the ground in Omaha, therefore this is just more lies put out by fat-cat scientists looking to buy another vacation home with that sweet, sweet grant money. Study it out, libtards.