Discussion: Larry King: Trump 'Couldn't Have Known It Was A Podcast'

I hope you find it. Oliver did the “Carlos Danger” dance every night they reported on that story.

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now I gotta look.

So Larry King is working for the Russians now.

i found a compliation (borderline NSFW) video

and I’m now watching this video



Fun times.

except for poor Huma.


King’s riding high and living on Ensures…

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"I don’t know what Trump knew. He couldn’t have known it was a podcast,… "

Larry King is sure what Trump knew, yet he claims Trump couldn’t know it was a podcast… so did he know or didn’t he, what is it?

Two takeaways:

  1. Larry King is still broadcasting from somewhere.

  2. Larry King is still alive.

Incompetent is more accurate.

Donald Trump can’t figure out a simple tv show. The man cannot handle the responsibilities of the oval office.


This is what happens when you have 2 senile egotists (with incompetent staffers) both trying to cover their asses.


Doesn’t trump know yet that anything that gets recorded could be seen anywhere?
But what’s the deal here anyway? I don’t see the news value in this.

Interesting factoid Stewart and Weiner were once roommates.

Larry King on Friday night said that Donald Trump could not have thought…

The article could have just stopped here. “Thought” requires a functioning, rational brain. HO “knows,” “believes” and “hears.” Thinking? Not so much.

“This contradicts the Trump campaign’s explanation for …” Press should just make a macro for that at this point.

More a problem with your misreading of what he said. Read the quoted potion again, and you will be clear. He said Trump just did the podcast, so Trump didn’t do this episode for RT thinking it was part of the podcast. Ticked by the Russians. SAD!

That headline does not match the story.