Discussion: Lara Trump: Cocktail Waitress Who Spit On Eric Is Lucky I Wasn't There

Everyday heroes.


Lara Trump: Cocktail Waitress Who Spit On Eric Is Lucky I Wasn’t There

True. Usually Eric has to PAY Cocktail Waitresses to spit on him, up in his room, when you are not around.


If I had a dime for every time I’ve heard someone say, “If I’d been there I would have went apeshit on their ass!” I’d be able to buy dinner for two at a nice eating establishment. Cowards always act tough when they’re Monday morning quarterbacking.


Does Lara get first dibs on spitting on Eric?

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All bark, no bite.

She’s an inconsequential hanger-on that has nothing to offer.

He’s probably afraid of her.

There is an additional bright side to this. I’m sure Eric (from his pedestal of self-imposted superiority) never thought about the possibility of waitstaff hating him so much, and is now probably going to be obsessed with thoughts of what could possibly be in his food or drink. He will now enjoy life just a little less, and that is a punishment worth something at least.


Cheap talk chickenhawk.

In the Trump family, wouldn’t they be paying for other bodily fluids as well?


Wow. That was harsh.

One of my daughters is one (well bartender actually). She spends a lot of free time hiking in the Rockies and practices Krav maga (and no, it’s not that MAGA). 6 inches shorter, but it wouldn’t matter.

This has picked no traction, I have no reason to doubt her, but it would have been much more effective if she had come forward when the “pussy-grabbing” tape came out and not three years later when she is trying to sell a book.

Are you sure? :smirk:

Hey tough(lady), sit your a** down!

OT. These two women showed Trumpian levels of stupidity… surprised they were not from Florida…

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She my hero!


We already know that everyone in Trump’s orbit is a belligerent jerk. 'Nuff said.

Every recognizable member of the trump family and trump administration should avoid eating or drinking anything prepared by others. They should order take-out and eat in private. They’ve earned it.

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