Discussion: KY Police: Gunman Tried To Enter Black Church Before Killing 2 Black People At Grocery

His only mental illness is being a rageaholic asshole.

My condolences to you, your friends, and your community, Plucky.

I’m sorry for the pain and the loss you and your community are now facing.

I had a business trip to Louisville several years ago and I remember it fondly - Louisville does have a small-town feel and the people I met were universally welcoming and helpful to visitors.


So sorry, but thank you adding local nuance to this story. So many times how lives become touched are lost in official accounts.


“[Police Chief] Rogers said it was too soon, however, to say whether the shooting was racially motivated.” Really???

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So, I’m an angry racist with guns who wants to kill some of Those People.

I have the brilliant idea of killing a bunch of them at one of Their Churches.

But, I’m carrying an arsenal but still can’t get inside a church?

So sorry for your loss and for the entire community.
When will the hate stop?
This is just heartbreaking.

But enough about Mitch McConnell.


He evidently didn’t have any convictions, and the NRA has made sure that mentally ill people have access to guns (can’t discriminate, you know!).



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Sadly, the guns are always OK after one of these shootings.

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Day after day, Trump provides a trigger and targets for unstable followers who absorb his messages of hate. This isn’t just a problem of not speaking in a presidential manner; it’s a problem of incitement to violence. I wish we could get a nationwide restraining order to shut him up. There’s plenty of evidence of his conduct inflicting harm.


Sending you hugs, dear Plucky.

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Plucky, my condolences to you and your friend. Terrible things are happening more and more often in our country. I am so sorry this tragedy touched your family. We all live for the day when this long nightmare will be over and we can begin to heal.

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