What the hell would anyone else ask him?
I would like to learn how to fail upward so spectacularly. He is by all reports a blithering idiot, and yet…
That that smarmy little bastard would be allowed to talk to them without being under oath is about as galling as it gets.
Being born into a wealthy family is always a good start.
Well, if you can’t get Kushner to teach it to you, perhaps Chiselin’ Trump will.
“All of my actions were proper . . . including the many, many actions you’ll never hear about.”
“All of my crimes were legal. Honest.”
President Donald Trump’s son-in-law is back on Capitol Hill, this time speaking to interns as part of the Congressional Intern Lecture Series.
Leaked information states that today’s lecture was about how to lie to Congress and the FBI, and lawyering up.
The thing that always gets me when the Trump-ites say things like “all of my actions were proper” is that is is painfully apparent that they have an idea of what is and isn’t proper that is pretty far off the mainstream. So they will likely never think to disclose their “proper” actions since, well, they were “proper”. Why don’t you just skip the opining and tell us what you did and let us be the judges of propriety?
Let’s have a “Who Cares?” vote!