Discussion: Kushner Kicks Off Renewed Push By WH To Restart Mideast Peace Talks

“Still, he has not come out in support of the two-state solution, a position supported by most of the international community and also his Republican and Democratic predecessors.”


Its a tad worse than that.

EDIT TO ADD: My guess is still that Kushner is going to bend over backwards for whatever Bibi wants, because he is trying to make a deal for Ivanka and him to flee the US ahead of indictments.


Jared Kushner is eminently qualified for this very important initiative. Bwaaahahahahaha!

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Maybe even worse… http://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-41034504

Bull, meet china shop.

Jared could probably get more done if he didn’t sound so much like Gilbert Godfrey.


“The U.S. envoys come empty handed,” said Mahmoud Alloul, a top official in Abbas’ Fatah movement. “That’s why we will ask them whether they have answers about the basic issues."

Basic issues? That depends on what is considered “basic.” If by “basic” you mean the historical events in the conflict that cumulatively prevent the establishment of level platform to begin discussions toward peace, then no. No one in the T rump administration has a clue what those “basic” issues are. If, on the other hand, “basic” refers to the underlying goal of negotiating the rights and financing necessary to build a T rump-branded hotel in the occupied territories, then you might be closer to an understanding of how this regime operates. The American Government has become the backbone of the T rump Organization, whose goal is to enrich T rump, and nothing else. Got that?


Couldn’t he be extradited? I guess it would depend on the charges and possibly running the clock on limitations

He actually could, under current Israeli law, and probably would. Israel used to refuse extradition for any Israeli citizen accused of committing crimes elsewhere in the world, but they changed that in the 90s/early 00s…largely based on a Israeli-American who was wanted for murder in Maryland, that fled to Israel.

Kushner has even less standing, because he is not an Israeli citizen, at least to my knowledge.


There is no one in the world with any credibility, that takes any “effort” to restart any Mideast peace plan by this fool, by way of actual diplomacy, seriously. No one. Jared is not part of the State Department. So what’s the point? This is a job that’s naturally supposed to be part of Tillerson’s portfolio, but apparently he’s too busy taking a nap or something.

tRump picked Jared because, as simplistic as it sounds:

  1. Jared is family…and he trusts others so little that he can’t manage to find someone more qualified that he trusts. tRump knows so few people to do any of these government jobs outside his small circle of NY real estate brokers, name-checked billionaires, marketing pros and bankruptcy lawyers.

  2. Jared is Jewish…so in tRump’s tiny sclerotic mind, that signifies to him that Jared is automatically qualified to deal with this intractable matter, that has confounded everyone ever assigned to deal it. No one from Jew to Gentile over several administrations, with far more education and experience in this area than Jared has, has been able to resolve these problems with a “push” a “shove” or a simple “effort”…And let’s face it, Jared isn’t exactly a neutral party to both sides. To add, Islamophobia, is alive and well inside tRump’s White House and they’re not afraid to accuse innocent Muslims by labeling them terrorists whenever the mood suits them for political purposes.

  3. Jared is placed in this role to return favors to rightwing and similarly corrupt Netanyahu, for having supported tRump from the beginning. Personal opportunism has never strayed far from Bibi’s wheelhouse. The added bonus for tRump and Co. is that Bibi and his cabinet so far haven’t spoken out or criticized tRump for any of his anti-semitic bullshit, or his support for nazis. Almost any Jewish person that cared about the true fate and protection of the Jewish people in Israel and around the world would have done so by now…but no, not Bibi. That’s real loyalty for you…and its a shonda. Disgusting.

  4. Jared is just going through the motions. Its all photo-ops and another meaningless carny sideshow crap. It will amount to nothing other than a willingness to turn a blind eye to more settlement building. Its your basic wink-wink, nod-nod. I’m pretty sure Abu Mazen already knows this though.


Prediction: the Kushner/Trump approach will involve offering money to Palestinian leaders to accept whatever Bibi wants to impose on them. (I mean, this amounts to a deal, right?) K/T will be genuinely baffled when the bribes are turned down, and angrily blame the Palestinians for refusing to negotiate in good faith. Trump will accept a medal from the Israeli government, promise to build a big, beautiful new embassy in Jerusalem (which the Arabs will pay for) and quickly lose interest in the issue.

The only lasting impact will be the inclusion of one more item in Mueller’s eventual report recommending impeachment.


Between golfing and meeting with his lawyers to build his case against collusion, it must be darn hard to fit peace talks into his schedule. What a trooper.

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And to think Bibi finds Jared a more credible interlocutor for Mideast peace than anyone assigned to this task from the State Department under the Obama administration. Tells you everything you need to know about Bibi.

He’s another bullshitting scam artist selling his own country short. He’s nothing but a disingenuous piece of shit when it comes to negotiating real solutions to Israel’s demographic shift in the near future…and he’ll kick the can further down the road before he ever chooses to act as a true visionary, which Israel so desperately needs as a leader for its future.


Bibi always has been an asshole. And now he’s an asshole under investigation. Fingers crossed.


Restart? They’ve only been at it a couple months and they’re already admitting failure and trying to start all over again?



And Trump now has Tiffany working on the new Indian-Parkistani rift that Donald engineered to start yet another war in the world? You can never have enough conflicts in the world?

It’s said that Trump likes to pit people, and apparently countries, against one another like some do in dog or cock fights for their own amusement, sense of cruelty and lack of empathy for anything. I find that this characteristic best explains how dangerous Donald is to our country and the world.

Use the 25th or impeach soon…before blood floods on all continents and Mankind bakes in nuclear fallout. The President must always be amused from the boredom of everyday life that every pampered and spoiled rich man and woman experiences.

Secretary Munchen needs to put a muzzle on his wife Louise Linton. She sounded so much like Marie Antoinette that the comparison begs to be made just like that of Trump and Napoleon.

If I hear one more of the Top 1% talk about the “sacrifices” they must make to repress the working man in this country, I’m going to find a way to shift all the tax burden onto them. It can be done. Eisenhower damn well did it to pay off the WWII war debt. It an be done again.


I wonder what personal business Kushner is conducting while he’s flitting about the Mideast, and if he will be meeting with any Russians…

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The Mideast assignment would be a cover for lots of overseas flights. From foreign countries it might be easier for him to hop ANOTHER plane for a country that doesn’t have extradition or where it’s difficult. With a private plane he could go anywhere.

“Fugitive Deputy President Jared Kushner…”

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Typical Cheetolini tactic. Talk tough, but never give any details or state any positions. What a cop-out. No one can argue with you. You are never proven wrong after the fact.

Know nothing coward!


I could believe you’d probably find a few dead cats that died premature deaths buried in tRump’s family backyard, back in Queens where he grew up, too. I’m sure its no mystery who would have done the deed.

“Its off to military school for you, Sonny…That’ll surely straighten you out”.