It’s a beautiful day in the neighborhood…
Notice the Fox New hostess argues with Krauthammer about the importance of the disclosure. Fox News remains in denial and continues to support the notion that if they didn’t get anything out of the meeting there was nothing to the story.
Well, yes. Reagan colluded & conspired with Iran, to hold the hostages to Pres. Carter’s detriment, until Reagan’s inauguration. But that worked. It got Reagan elected. So later Reagan again conspired to (illegally) sell weapons to Iran, and (illegally) use the funds to support Nicaraguan Contras.
But the point is, Reagan is now a saint. So collusion & conspiracies with foreign adversaries must be good, right?
DJT jr’s experience is in his father’s businesses where the common place was to thake the other guy to court and outlast them or just bullying the other party into submission. But in the league he’s in now that will not work. The game is different and the consequences far larger. And he has not got the first clue what the rules are. Not that he even cares. Collusion in this young man’s experience has been something to be ignored.
I agree. Among Republicans it’s a hell of a defense. Imply you’re stupid and it’s just like getting a 20 at the Blackjack table.
Right. What Reagan did in 1980 was worse than what Trump did in 2016. Even worse was when Nixon sabotaged the Peace Talks in 1968. One could make a good case that Nixon caused several million deaths.
Republicans adore both Nixon and Reagan. The ONLY issue they have with Trump is his clumsiness; otherwise, the GOP would see this is a model for retaining power indefinitely.
My guess is this is the last time Krauthammer will be invited on FN to discuss this issue.
I believe this is a cutout by Putin. The bigger fish are still not being found.
Mao used the former troops loyal to the Kuomintang to fight and die in Korea, thereby getting a threefer,making his army more loyal by subtraction, showing the US he would fight, and having a war he could always define as a win.
The only advantage for Putin I can see is that he used his “C” unit to help an idiot win an election. But that idiot could turn in this Don Jr. caper if this is all that there is.
There has got to be a bigger gain here for Putin, there has got to be a deeper game we haven’t seen. I think Putin dropped dime here in order to create breathing room for his bigger fish. While DT Jr. may be guilty, it’s a snipe hunt created by Putin, to distract.
People keep saying it isn’t treason because the US is not at war. Maybe we are, we just don’t know it yet?
Who says that got swindled? Don, Jr. How credible is his word? Not very.
Team Trump failed to follow rule number one of forming a criminal conspiracy. Make sure your co-conspirators are not utter and complete morons. Though I suppose, looking around the room, they may have realized they had no choice.
Why do you agree with him at all? He is saying that he vigorously defended numerous lies until he couldn’t anymore because the lie is now out in the open, and by the way, it’s not a crime to collude with the Russia. He just pushed the can a bit down the road and set up a new line of defense.
The idea that Russia isn’t an enemy seems like a stretch to me.
He’s not dumb! Not like everyone says! Donald Junior is SMART!
I feel better already. I’m going to hit the water on my next dive–guaranteed!
When a ratfucker like Krauthammer is fleeing the sinking ship, it’s a really good day…
Krauthammer would be well advised to make no further assumptions on what anyone connected to DJT did or did not do or receive.
Just because Don Jr. said they didn’t get anything out of the meeting doesn’t mean the Times won’t publish a story today detailing the deal struck and/or dossier passed to the campaign at that meeting.
I was just going to post the same analogy, but you beat me to it. It’s the exact same thing. Just because you didn’t actually molest a child, or receive information, doesn’t change the fact that you had every intention on doing so. Also, we don’t know that Jr. didn’t receive any information. The people saying he didn’t are the very people with the most to lose if they admit he did. Relying on Jr’s word, or that of anyone else involved, is like trusting the child molester when he tells Chris Hansen he just came over to talk to the child about the dangers of communicating with strangers online.
Except for one small nagging problem… You see (and I know you are aware so I’m just being rhetorical here) when running for President of the United States the candidate, his family, his campaign, and associates will inevitably come under a microscope by all the media. The idea that they could collude and get away with it cuz nobody would notice is …well … not really likely.
Means everything is on the table with him. There are no boundaries.
And he’s third in line of succession.
That’s an analogy I would have saved for Jared…