Discussion: kraushaar

These guys just can’t be embarrassed.

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“the results speak for themselves”



The list of ‘always wrong’ RWNJ pundits grows…
Perhaps we’re at the point where we can just call it in advance.

Wow. Check out his feed. In true pundit fashion, he’s showing himself to be a very touchy little shit indeed, when people cite facts to call bullshit on his guttruth blather.


Good excuse to link one of my favorite TV ads, FedEx’s “Wrong”

(even it is a company run by one of those staunch Republican “self-made men”…).

“I wish, therefore I predict” -Josh Kraushaar

wish everyone would admit they don’t know what will happen.

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Can anyone ever give an example where repugs have actually been good with numbers? Whether it’s poll or budgets, they are just plain terrible at predicting anything. Just one example, please.

Would be nice to have context of what Silver’s article actually said and have. A link to it in order for this article to be a little more informative.

Since the Republicans can’t even predict what is happening right in front of them, they may as well profit off of being wrong.

It’s called hedging your bet or shorting yourself. They don’t have much room percentage wise to squeeze in above Silver.

Let the record show that anybody who’s predicting local elections this far out (without data) is likely a self-promoting dipsht.

Ah, yes, I vividly remember when Rove claimed to have “The Numbers.” Pro tip; he’s still full of shit. Don’t believe a word he says, and count your fingers and rings after you shake hands with him. That goes double for Charles Craphammer and Bill Kristol. How many times do these men have to be proven wrong before anyone stops paying attention to them?

Just because you are wrong every time doesn’t mean you won’t be right the next time.

He’s an idiot. How he ever got to the position he is in, is a mystery.

Glad to see that everyone agrees Nate is the best political numbers guy in the world. So when he moves his estimate to 7 GOP pick-ups in the Senate, don’t forget how much you love him.

I predict two bonus pick-ups for the GOP.

Not that I’m trying to demoralize democrats and depress turnout.

So let me get this straight…the demographic base Kraushaar speaks to thinks the earth is 6,000 years old, that climate science is a canard, and that evolution is only a ‘theory.’ Yet, these same people he’s speaking to are ready to plan their day by accepting local weather meteorological reports based on the same scientific methods that make up climate science, and buy into statistical models, also based on the science of mathematics, no matter how flowed his statistical models are [IOW, using math to prove his false assumptions in his model] and embrace those. Got it. You really can’t make this stuff up can you? I mean really…

Just as Mr Ryan is a budget guy.

Not that you’re once again trolling and begging to be suspended.


I first read your comment to say “rely more on prophecy and ‘meth’” which would make sense of why they are so obviously out of touch.