All I could think upon reading this was FU Kris Kobach. Thanks for replying quickly and getting a similar response to the top of the thread.
It just takes seeing the name ‘Kobach’ and you know it’s going to be a story about a guy being a real dick.
Some Republicans in Congress, led by Sen. Tom Cotton (R-AR), have advocated for imposing severe restrictions on even legal immigration.
Follow up legislation will implement the GOP version of China’s discredited one-child policy for all immigrants who are not white Eurocentric Christianists.
Attention Mexico!
Either you pay for the wall or the families get it!
We need a comprehensive review of Melania’s immigration documents and should revoke her citizenship for breaking rules about working on a tourist visa and lying about her education.
Kobach has a pretty face, but underneath, he’s pure evil. He should be ostracized.
An attention whore, high-fiving and grab-assing with the Nativist contingent occupying the Republican party the day after a short-lived victory. Add everything Kobach to the Bill of Particulars.
Drumpf: I agree. Kobach has impeccable White Krishtian values.
Heartless, plain and simple. No moral compass. Who made these people??? Oh, yes good old evangelicals whose God made them like this. It’s beyond me.
Why would anyone want this guy? Yesterday AM when Hallie Jackson asked him about what he would say to the dreamer who died while trying to save lives in Houston,i could not believe my ears when his response was that I would tell him he got a world class education paid for by taxpayers. Already knew this guy was a world class a$$ but that topped the cake!
I don’t have a crystal ball but I’m predicting a big fall for the jackass.
I think this captures Kobach’s personality well
He no doubt views it as a sort of “two birds with one stone” situation. If we’re gonna throw out one, might as well throw out the whole family, right? Get those fucking browns out of town!
Welcome to the Rewhited States of Amurikkka. Papers, please…
Small point but I think the sock’s too clean…
Possible Responses:
Go away
Or what?
Fuck you, asshole.
Fuck you, asshole.
And after he went to all that trouble being born North of the river…
That’s only because you can’t see the pig dick inside it.
my comment - what a worthless, vile, piece of sh*t
so, still mad that people of foreign descent are repeatedly showing themselves to be better and more upstanding citizens than the swaths of white men, eh? It really does eat at them that whiteness can’t be used as a positive except to the most worthless parts of society
And these are the people who have the audacity to proclaim themselves Christians, and endeavor to use that for political purposes?? Hypocrisy in the highest!!