Discussion: Kobach Blasts 'Communist' ACLU, League Of Women Voters

Well, stooping to his level, I do have to say it is far better to be a communist than a douchebag.

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Do you realize how effing old his audience has to be to even know what heā€™s talking about?


Around my age, 58, and older.

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Iā€™m a year younger than you, and I remember communists in other countries. Oh, yeah, and once when I was a kid there was someone passing out Gus Hall leaflets.

Back during the Cold War, ironically, the US was pretty careful to try and seem like an open, inclusive democracy, in contrast to the folks on the other side of the Iron Curtain.


The craziest part of it all is he has an amazing educationā€”Harvard, Oxford, all that. Education simply is no bulwark against looniness. Itā€™s really kind of disappointing.


Well, he would know. All these GOPers are Commies because all the tactics they use are right out of Lenin and Stalinā€™s playbook.


No, but my field (law) has more than its fair share of people with mental health problems and personality disorders that do education beautifully but donā€™t have a lick of common sense or social awareness. Itā€™s really insane to see.


Thereā€™s no mention of him waving around a list with 200 names on it, all ā€œknown commies.ā€


Fascist tyrant says what?


Kobach is a fascist SOB who should have his citizenship strippedā€¦


I can never tell whether he is playing to his audience, or playing with them. Naw, either would be un-biblical.

He clearly believes that only he and his ilk can win erections fairly, and if somehow his god allows his cretinous side to lose, it has to be voter fraud. Ergo, stopping liberals, gays, people of color from voting is doing godā€™s work. ie, Kobachā€™s work.

One person, one vote. Thatā€™s some real pinko Stalinist shit right there.
His comments have a whiff of Fonzie water-skiing over a shark.
I used to think he was a henchman, but he actually seems mentally ill.


Kobach isnā€™t stupid, heā€™s just extremely cynical. He has such extreme contempt for the people that support him and his attempts to destroy democracy that he knows theyā€™re too stupid and/or lazy to understand the insanity of labeling the freaking ACLU a communist group. He knows you can simply recite certain buzzwords and elicit the desired Pavlovian response from modern conservatives.


You wanna know whatā€™s a lot more disgusting sight than sausage being made?

Seeing a turd polish itself for a higher office.


Iā€™m old enough to be feeling that too. Itā€™s as though Republicans exist just to troll rational people. Troll the commies with ā€œfreedomā€, but now that that situation is past, just troll Democrats with this exclusionary nonsense. It makes you wonder if they ever actually believed in freedom or voting at all.


Great wit to madness nearly is allied, they say. And Iā€™ve known some pretty crazy people with doctorates myself. If you listen to teachers, education is a sort of fumigation process that dispels all kinds of bad stuff. I think the reality is that rationality spurs education, not the other way around.


This sort of vile hate from a GOPer should be shown to the nation as a classic example of the GOP at work. But the national media will once again ignore this sort of ultra-extremist hate. Simply because he is a GOPer.

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Kobachā€™s goose was cooked long ago. Dysfunctional KS just canā€™t catch up.

Yes, but now he is infiltrating (with a puppet who lied his way into the job) a federal office that is supposed to protect the right to vote. This is no joke. What we are seeing is the gradual disenfranchisement of 10ā€™s of thousands of voters, and it has the potential to swing Florida and Ohio in November and put Trump in the Whitehouse, who will then very likely elevate Korbach himself to a federal position. This will be the election when this crap really does damage unless there is a strong counter movement to stop it. Itā€™s time to rise up and protect voting rights before our ability to do that is permanently inhibited.