Discussion: Kim Davis Loses Latest Bid To Stall Gay Marriage In Kentucky

She outs herself with, “If I resign I lose my voice.”

No, Kimmy, then you have the same voice as everyone else, but that’s no good for you. Your voice in this job actually allows you to force other people to live according to your beliefs instead of theirs.

That’s a power trip that’s tough to give up, honey.


hell imagine if he had been from liberty u" which bush put a shit load of lawyers from there" or bob jones U bush would have put him up for a appointment for the scotus…but yeah he’s shuttin her down left and RIGHT good for him looks like bush actually got this one right…for a while

do the tax payers of kentucky enjoy paying the bill for this woman’s insane quest for sharia law there


As Pope Francis just said in Washington DC when asked about ‘gay marriage’ . . . tolerance was his answer. I suspect that the Pope is closer to God than Ms. Davis so that should settle the matter.


Chances are good that Ms. Davis thinks the pope is the “whore of Babylon.”


Davis, elected as a Democrat…

With Democrats like that, who needs Republicans?


Breaking News: Loser Loses Again!!


Kentucky Clerk Kim Davis has lost her latest effort to illegally stall issuing marriage licenses to same-sex couples

AP version was missing a word.

While I am tired of this dragging out and burdening those issued/seeking licenses with concern about future challenges to the validity of altered licenses, I can hope that it will lead to some sanctions against the crusading lawyers who nailed Kim Davis to her stupidity.


She should have cookies withheld until she complies.

Her lawyers will keep churning and running up the meter until every last cent raised online has been sucked up into their bill. Then, Kim, it’s “Don’t drop the soap” (or whatever they say for women inmates).

AKA blasphemy.


It’s the conservative way!

Poppa may have been very bad news but this guy seems really solid.

Something tells me she’s more of an Old Testament kind of gal.

I really miss “What Not to Wear.” I would love to see the job Clinton would do not just on her wardrobe but also on her head.

Time to start withholding her pay for failure to perform the job she is legally required to perform. At this point, she’s defrauding the county. She’s being paid to issue licenses, not preach from a pulpit.


I feel really sad that … someone could be so unhappy with themselves as a person that they did not feel dignified as a human being until they win an unwinnable appeal. I mean, there’s just so much more to life than that.

Caught a few seconds of Kim’s TV interview…Ooh, girl’s looking like the demon inside her’s taking a toll. Get thee to an exorcist, Kim, not an appeals court.


Probably everyone on earth knew this but me, but I was delighted to discover that the clerk’s office in Rowan County is in the city of Morehead. Surely these “Christians” should interpret that as a sign of the supernatural from on high.

Judging by the number of marriages she’s had, she’s never had rejection before and doesn’t know how to deal with it.

Kim Davis Loses Latest Bid …

Please Lord-- just smite the wretch?


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