Discussion: Khizr Khan Calls On John McCain To Withdraw Support For Trump

everyone is acting like john mccain is an upstanding human.

he is not. never has been. now we’re apparently going to be saddled for the foreseeable future with his addlepated daughter. news analyst!! calls herself a news analyst!! weapons grade annoyance.

mr. khan will be hammered. i fear the worst, though. mr. khan IS brave. mccain? not once.

McCain can’t go against Trump, because he has a right wing challenger in his primary. If he turned on Trump now, she’d sweep up the crazies in AZ (and there are plenty of them that are sympathetic to Trump) and lose the primary, leading AZ to send a Democrat to the Senate. I suspect that he’ll do this after he wins the primary as an attempt to win the Senate seat against a pretty strong challenge and Trump’s attacks on the large AZ latino population.

This is, of course, brazen political maneuvering…there will be no courage in McCain turning on Trump to win the election instead of because Trump is a horrifying possible president. I have seen almost no Republicans who actually risk losing their election turn on Trump…no surprise in that, of course, it’s politics, but it’s an unhealthy sign of what the next few years of politics in the US is going to be like, as Trump supporters work even harder to take over the Republican party and drive the nation into a Christian theocracy where everyone is required to pack a gun.

As an aside…people keep calling for Trump to step aside. Don’t do that, the nation will be far better off if the crazies supporting Trump get crushed by his yuuuuge loss in November, and better off with Clinton in office (since any “sane” Republican will pursue policies very much like what Trump wants, just with the racism, misogyny, anti-LGBT hatred cloaked once again).

Mr. & Mrs. Khan deserve front row center at HRC’s inauguration.
They exemplify what being U.S.citizens means.


Of course if he did “pivot” what confidence do you have that he would be “professional” if elected?

McCain’s Sequel

Courage Matters Sometimes When I Say It Does.

Keep the drumbeat up. The more decent people call out them out, the less respect the craven will receive.

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I’m no McCain supporter to say the least…but that last part was pretty despicable. I hope you never have to find out what real torture is like, and how wrong that statement was.

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It’s a classic Sophie’s choice paradox for McCain. Damned if he does and also if he doesn’t.

He could do the right thing for all of us and for himself and retire. The inner turmoil could subside for him and an ill piece of our political landscape could be removed and some degree of healing could begin.

Wow… just, vile, reprehensible, wow…
Donald Trump’s base ladies and gentlemen.

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All three?