We also need a real President. The ratings for the one from reality TV aren’t good enough.
So…when is George going to wear a trench coat that says: “I really don’t care, do you?”
Anybody ready for KAC’s switcheroo? She’ll spin and twirl just like this:
couldn’t remember Carville’s name
Me neither…I had to Google “Clinton advisor louisiana.” Search engine to the rescue!
George’s tweet was perfect
But Individual #1 can’t keep a decent lawyer.
Remember “He won’t listen and he won’t pay” ?
Someone on MSNBC suggested that all of this is just prepping for a post-Trump talk show for the two of them…
Irreconcilable Tweets?
We should have gotten Tyra Banks instead of DJT. At least it would be fun watching would-be cabinet secretaries going on go-sees.
Finally, fewer and fewer people are being fooled by the trump l’oeil.
Ruh roh. George must be ‘plsying’ With his marital vows again.
Mis fortune? Somebody is responsible for what happened to that poor cow.
That cow needs to find a good attorney who will fight to get that cow the compensation it deserves.
Well, the cow is only hypothetical. It might be simplest to imagine it with its leg back. The suffering of imaginary animals is as unnecessary as it gets.
Must be, witness Duncan Hunter throwing his wife under the bus. Like Trump and all GOP, anything will do to save my ass, that’s all that counts.
Who in hell would hire them for that? Alex Jones’ network is shut down and I cannot imagine even he would hire them.
None of this makes sense to me.
His spouse is practically the Darth Vader of the Trump Evil Empire. And he wants to play the part of active member of the resistance??
I keep thinking this is either an exceptionally ugly, train wreck, you-can’t-turn-your-eyes-from-it divorce, or a ploy for future employment in the Carville/Matalin genre. Who knows…
This is gonna be one helluva divorce.
He’ll do her pro-bono? Necrophilia is so pseudo-conservative.
I never understood how the James Carville/Mary Matalin marriage worked. It’s one thing to think a little bit differently than your spouse, but to be diametrically opposed on major philosophical issues like that boggles my mind.
This is similar.
She’s probably writing her book as she works there.