I don’t get this at all. I sense it’s good for us. But it’s sort of like a person selling baseball caps at the County Fair gives you 25 cents off for a purchase.
Good but manifestly unimportant…
I don’t get this at all. I sense it’s good for us. But it’s sort of like a person selling baseball caps at the County Fair gives you 25 cents off for a purchase.
Good but manifestly unimportant…
No, Kellyanne, she treats you like you’re Trump’s slave, which you are.
Typical Trumpee’s Victimhood… Boo hoo
The idea that Pelosi should talk to her just because she’s a woman shows how feminist KAC is.
For it, or against it? I’m confused.
So offensive on so many levels. Speaker Pelosi is third in line to the presidancy; an elected and long serving member of Congress; the first female leader of one of only two houses in one of only three branches of our government. And she’s never been photographed squatting with her feet on the sofa in the Oval Office, FFS. You’d be lucky to BE her maid, dipshit.
It’s not turtles, it’s SNOWFLAKES all the way down.
Well, OK, there’s Traitor Turtle, but outside of him …
Pelosi has the unmitigated temerity to treated the hired help as if they were hired help!
Such gall!
“Kellyanne Conway Complains Pelosi Treats Her ‘Like I’m Her Maid’.”
I’m sorry, Kellyanne, but who elected you?
Yeah, that would be “nobody”.
So just sit down and shut all the way up.
I’d treat her like a threat to my nation. See, Nancy is such a people person!
Interesting how neither she nor her boss were voted into office.
I guess Kelly Anne can’t handle a strong woman.
Conway added that the House speaker is “not very pro-woman. She’s pro-some women.”
I suppose if she grabbed more pussy she'd make the GOP A-list.
Nancy should make her opinion on this matter very clear. Next time, bring a full chamber pot and dump in over KAC’s head.
So, let’s see here. Conway wants to be treated like Pelosi’s equal, when the Speaker is meeting with the President, and since that doesn’t happen, Pelosi is not pro-women. I know, it’s just word salad, but sometimes helpful to parse.
No you pissant…Pelosi was there to talk…one elected official to another. You, KAC, are not authorized to discuss the topic at hand.
What she means to say is that Pelosi treats her like she’s nothing. Guess what? She is nothing. She’s less than nothing. But she reveals what she thinks of the people who clean up after her.
For crying out loud. Pelosi is Speaker of the House. KAC is not on her level either in power or status. Her gender is not the issue. Pelosi would treat any WH flunky the same way.
Hey, Snowflake! Do generals respond to the whines of lying corporals? You talked shit like that (“That’s really pro-woman of you”) to the equivalent of a general – which is what the Speaker of the House is, you moron – and you’d be cleaning latrines for a month. With your tongue.
LIke a maid, Kellyanne? Being a maid is clearly above your station and don’t come close to being worthy of it. You’re lucky she acknowledges you at all, you lying POS.