And yet, congressional republicans support him and defend him and pretend everything is a-okay in DC. Greg Sargent just pointed out this Grassley tweet.
On what freaking planet does Grassley reside? Wow.
John Kyle to replace McCain safe choice
If Gen. Kelly actually cared about the country, he would be actively pushing Trump out of office. That he’s defending and keeping “off the rails” Trump in office, says far more about Kelly than it does Trump.
This is from back in June.
It seems Kelly is the only one who doesn’t recognize he has no integrity or credibility. That he’s now known as a racist and misogynist. Perhaps he’s hanging on to this job because he doesn’t have any good options.
or he might be the guy eating bags of crap and meanwhile keeping Dumpty from starting a war. Not really defending him that much, but I can see that scenario as possible.
I find it amazing that the matters they are discussing are not light weight affairs. The balance of peace and stability in this country are a serious and immediate risk.
So for those people who are there for the good of the country in their view point, why have they not just called a press meeting and laid it all on the line for us all to see. Legalities and professional repercussions be damned. Kelly and Mattis are military men, they took the vow to put their lives on the line for the country. What makes the consequences of palace intrigue worst than losing your life in battle?
Cry me a river, John “Empty Barrel” Kelly.
Kelly is a POS. His existence mainly makes me wonder how many other high-ranking military brass are of the same character, believing that the oaths they took don’t apply to an America that isn’t owned and ruled by white men.
Kelly Went On Tirade About Hating His Job
Dear World,
Am I supposed to sympathize with that racist asshat?
software says that’s not descriptive enough. so:
“We’re in Crazytown. I don’t even know why any of us are here. This is the worst job I’ve ever had,” Kelly reportedly said.”
“All I’ve got if I walk away is a fat pension, free health care and any lobbyist/consulting job I want. And it’s all worth breaking my oath to defend the country to support a russian traitor because those sweet tax cuts will really make a difference to my standard of living.”
(gets up in a huff and dumps his tray into the garbage in the cafeteria)
pentagon contractor consultant
fox news host
NRA spokesperson