Discussion: Kelly Grills Cruz On Proposal That Only Republicans Moderate GOP Debates

And our models for fighting tyranny are World War II and the Cold War. This media/propaganda-based conflict is a different beast, and it is still not clear if the Democrats understand that they are losing this war.

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My 86 year old mom originally from VA, who is a lifetime southern moderate democrat had never voted in a republican primary until there was a republican running in a local primary that she didn’t want to win the general election if the democrat lost. So she switched to republican to vote against him in the primary! When she and my dad got married they moved further south than in the early 50’s my dad, from upstate NY, registered as a republican. She warned him, you won’t be able to vote democratic primary and that’s where the winner of the general election will be picked. No republican will win an election in the south. Still to much resentment for the civil war beating!

Trump might be a serious candidate for the Republican nomination. But the Rethugs have gone to such extremes that the current crop of candidates is appealing to only a diminishing number of American voters. Certainly not enough to elect anyone president.

If Rubio is the eventual nominee, who would be just as easy to beat in the general as Trump, it’s only because “moderate” Rethugs finally took control of the process.

Sitting across from Kelly, he tar and feathers all journalists acting as moderators as liberal democrats? I think he’s drinking from the same intelligence well as Jeb!!! And somehow I have trouble with thinking of CNBC as “liberal” … maybe it’s just me?

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The only problem being that not even The Donald would be able to get a word in edge-wise. The “moderators” would all be concerned in making themselves look good … a peculiarly Republican form of “Masturbatory Moderating.”

The RNC would have to employ some method to ascertain the political leanings of potential moderators. Something in line with traditional Republican tactics when useful information is needed would suffice.

My thinking right now (which is subject to change) is that the only way that happens is in a brokered convention. Which I think there is a fair change of happening, with so many candidates still in the race and nobody showing any movement towards the exit door.

Further, while Carson and Trump maybe polling strongest in NH and Iowa, the idea of either’s supporter being willing to back the other is ludicrous. This is why I don’t really worry about who the eventual nominee is, as he (not she - Fiorina is very much an also ran) will split the base with a Carson candidacy completely alienating the rabid racists that are supporting Trump and probably the majority of those in the Cruz camp as well.

Let’s face it. In addition to a common characteristic of stupidity, most Republican office seekers are also gutless cowards. They are unable to be questioned by anyone who has not already fed them a pro-Republican answer to give back.

Republicans are whiners and pussies who are unable to brook any push back without dissolving into tears.

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Agreed. I am actually watching the dynamic of, while the anti-establishment vote is over 50%, its split between several candidates, none of which are facing any particular pressure to bow out. The establishment candidates will bow out first and rally behind one (probably Rubio).

When Kasich, Bush, Graham, Pataki, Fiorinia (whose support I believe is largely establishment leaning) and Christie drop out, that votes would move to Rubio…which would give him, based on today’s RCP numbers, the lead over both Trump and Carson.

Of course, when Huckabee, Santorum and Jindal drop out, that probablay goes to Carson, moves slightly ahead of the Rubio composite…and if Cruz and Paul’s votes go to Trump, he takes a commanding lead over both of them.

Basically, the problem on the debate state are the problems of the actual campaign. There are just too many candidates still standing.

Epistemic closure requires great rigor, eh, Rafael?

Thanks to you and 1GG for carrying on the good fight, even when it seems hopeless. I would love for you to get a chance to moderate the rampant douchebaggery that is a GOP debate.

I believe he’s from Assholistan.

I swear he almost looks less foolish in his Elmer Fudd costume with his museum-piece, engraved, photo prop shotgun.

Harsh. TOO harsh.

How’s about they only take questions from their imaginary playmates?


What a bunch of children. Perhaps Ted would feel better if only his mom and dad could ask him questions.

Political journalists almost never vote. I’m related to one and she and her colleagues all reject the idea of voting. That’s obviously not true of some of the RW hacks, but the idea of tying it to voting is another example of republicans responding to the world they imagine as opposed to the actual one.

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Perhaps they could form some sort of committee to determine if someone meets their standards. You know… “are you now, or have you ever been a Democratic voter?”

I keep not hearing people say what an obvious boon for Dems Cruz’s proposal would be. It would be steeped in the deepest nuances of conservative movement thought, and the base would love it for getting to “real issues” and such, and a the same time it would shock and horrify the rest of the population seeing all the reptiles with their masks off in broad daylight.

It would kill the Republican party by exposing it as completely crazy to all the politically casual voters. There would be no way for the Reps to pretend to be “main stream” after Limbaugh and Levine and Hannity and Beck go on for an hour or two on national television about just how completely nuts they are.

I see it in comment sections, but no one is talking about that in print. It’s be a lock for the Dems.