Discussion: Kelly Checks Expectations: No Border Wall At Some Points, ‘See-Through' At Others (VIDEO)

That one is going in my bookmark folder.

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but where’s the allen wrench? How are we supposed to make it without the allen wrench?!


Come on, be realistic. They can’t be expected to provide all the parts. At least its not in Swedish.

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HEY??? Where’d you find a photo of my yard???

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The Spanish planted those all over Sicily. They also brought the recipe for chocolate the way the Aztecs did it.

It’s the most amazing chocolate on the planet. This time I’m buying a suitcase and filling it with chocolate from Modena.

STOP IT with the moronic wall. Those places with NO wall? THAT’S where they will come in if they even WANT in after this administration. The ‘see through’ wall? WTF? Do you think a foreign country is a ZOO? We have ROADS to fix, schools to build, hospitals to modernize. FK YOU AND YOUR STUPID JERKS who evidently don’t TRAVEL the highways and biways of America.

Actually that Weber Blue Agave in the photo is right there in my yard and the leaves are about 6.5 feet tall. This photo is 4 or 5 years old.
Best chocolate I have found is in Chiapas State, Mexico. But I did fiind some absolutely grand powdered stuff in Granville, Normandy of all places. There’s a store there that has nothing but every sort of chocolate from the bean to a confection.

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Who in their right mind would build a wall in the Big Bend country?


Don’t those two words really say it all?


The wall should bounce, like a low rider car. That would be cool too.

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Welp there is this set of pieces parts for a wall of sorts:

And it includes a wrench too.

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LOL, yes, we were referencing this one… The lack of an allen wrench is perplexing…


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I saw that and got a good chuckle.

I’ve been 50 years near the Mexican border and I can say that DJT’s idea of a concrete and rebar on a thick foundation type wall he sold the rubes is just.not.going.to.work.everywhere.on.the.border. Period.

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I could whack the egg with the allen wrench. It could work.

Where is MacGyver when you need him?

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Working for the Mythbusters?

Come to think of it I wonder if we could bring the Mythbusters out of retirement to do an hour on the fallacy of a border wall? I’m sure explosives could be worked into the program somehow.


First the Tower of Babel, now the Wall of Rabble

Both mythical, both stupid, both ineffectual if ever built.

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Presumably only pay 15% tax on what you make selling either way through the pass-through

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I’m still holding out for the flaming gasoline-filled moat full of asbestos-clad alligators.

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I bet you have to use it to attach the handle of the whisk to the wires, after you bend them properly and feed them through the little spreader disk. Very meta, you know.

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Fortune Magazine published an article back in January about that. Some tidbits - the “easiest” sections of the 653 miles of wall already constructed cost $2.8-3.9 million per mile. And a lot of that is NOT the grand concrete wall Trump fantasizes about - because a lot of that already built fence crosses some rugged terrain where a concrete wall would be “problematic”.

Another 1000 miles of actual concrete wall with proper footings (at least 7 feet down for a 40 foot wall - and that’s minimum for structural integrity - gotta go a lot deeper and a lot of sensors if you assume people will be trying to tunnel) would cost an estimated $15 billion just in materials - they claim labor and land acquisition costs could bring it up to $25 billion for the “simple wall”. I’d expect 20-40% more if they are really serious. (Triple the cost if Trump chooses the contractors - then cut in half when he stiffs them, then plan to rebuild again in a couple of years when it turns out they used inferior concrete and reinforcing steel and the wall starts crumbling.

There are plenty of areas where a solid wall would, at certain times, become a dam - for as long as it took the water to erode the footings. What kind of yearly maintenance cost are we looking at? Beyond the regular rebuilds I mention above.

Edit - adding moar snark.

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