Discussion: Kelli Ward Embraces 'Audience' Of Alt-Right Figure Touring With Campaign

It’s surprising Cernovich isn’t leery of the chem-trail poisoning risk while traveling on Ward’s bus.


Another Republican with severe feck deficiency.


I’m waiting for the big reveal when Sacha Baron Cohen takes off his Kelli Ward makeup and we all realize her candidacy was just a stunt on his Showtime reality show.


“People of all ilks” is marvelous. Charmingly idiotic.


“If he’s coming on the bus tour, I think that he’ll have a voice and he’ll have something that he wants to say," Wow, she lets strangers on her tour bus with her, to say things she has no idea they are are going to say? Good plan, Kelli. What could go wrong.


There is nobody too cray, cray for Kelli Ward.

It is all about the bucks. Let’s face it a lot of the current Republican donor class are deep into right wing conspiracy shit. The Mercers in particular are right wing nuts. Remember many of the donors like the Kochs are John Birch alumni.

I think you have to look at the individuals funding the modern Republican party to understand the problems facing modern Republican politicians. There is no gerrymandering involved in a Senate race. Arizona is conservative but it is trending purple. It doesn’t do Ward any good to loudly reach out to right wing nut jobs. There are other factors that impact who is invited on her bus.

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Kelli Ward is the latest installment of Arizona crazy - she is the spiritual child of Sarah Palin and Michele Bachmann without the charisma or rhetorical skills.


The word “ilk” by definition is neutral, but in examples it always seems to point to shady.


Kelli Ward suffers from Sarah Palin/Michele Bachmann/Christine O’Donnell syndrome.


Why do alt right women all look like clones: fake blonde hair, bright red lipstick, slathered with makeup, faces pinched with "work’?

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Republican Mantra: “The End Justifies the Means”

Can’t wait for democrats to start hanging Cernovich statements around her neck.

Shorter Kelli Ward: “Hey Fake News, don’t connect me with someone just because he travels with me and gives speeches at my rallies.”


Miz Chemtrails is the only Arizona politician who makes Joe Arpaio look sane, I think she’s channeling Ev Mecham.

Casual racism is part and parcel of the current GOP. They don’t bother trying to hide it anymore, because being open about it wins them elections. Cry, the beloved country.


Oh, are we officially sticking with “alt right” when it’s forever “white supremacist” and/or “Nazi”? I mean, it does sound 21st century super meta, in much the way “antisemitism” was coined to sound scientific from the more descriptive “Judenhass.”

I guess I have to write some kind of browser extension or employ a style sheet so that “alt right” gets transformed back into what it is, perhaps with some creative flair:

“Kelli Ward embraces audience of Nazi turd fuck touring with campaign.”


“It’s true I’m a terrible liar. But I’d like you to know we reach out to rapists and non-rapists. We are thinking of a pro-child molestation plank, but we want to be sure that our message reaches non-child molesters - after all they’re people too. My blatant lying means transparency, which, as you all know, both sides want in government. Next question?”

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“They’re are good people on both sides.”

Ms Lafond:

“that attempted to tie Hillary Clinton to a IMAGINARY child prostitution ring.”
“that attempted to tie Hillary Clinton to a NONEXISTENT child prostitution ring.”
“that attempted to tie Hillary Clinton to a FICTIONAL child prostitution ring.”

Please try harder