Discussion: Kavanaugh: 'I Try To Be A Very Collegial Judge, I Try To Be Civil'

Civil? Fuck off you right wing POS hack. How’s that?

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Sure, anyone can “try” to be civil, whether you intentionally succeed is another matter.

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The hubris is strong with this one. Yeah, anyone can see after the Guttenberg did yesterday, that you’re a real man o’ the people.


The more a lawyer/judge professes his collegiality and civility, the more he’s out to screw people.


But he did allude to sports analogies.

“a query from Judiciary Chairman Chuck Grassley (R-IA) about what makes a good judge.”

“Well, first thing, you need to be nominated by a white, male, Republican President.”

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He sites the Federalist Papers a lot. (not shocked)


I hope someone asks K about Federalist #84:

The Federalist Papers, specifically Federalist No. 84, are notable for their opposition to what later became the United States Bill of Rights. Hamilton didn’t support the addition of a Bill of Rights because he believed that the Constitution wasn’t written to limit the people. It listed the powers of the government and left all that remained to the states and the people. Of course, this sentiment wasn’t universal, and the United States not only got a Constitution, but a Bill of Rights too.

Whenever K says he’s going to be independent, that just means he’s going to do WTF he wants to, precedent be damned.


He thinks of how his decisions affect “real people in the real world.” Like, oh, I dunno, maybe Fred Guttenberg?


Also, the “I try to be civil” subtext is: I’m an upright citizen, not like those loudmouth troublemakers/dirty fucking hippies who have been disrupting these hearings.

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Civil? Is that why he insulted the father of a dead student from Parkland?

Is it civil to lie and lie and lie?

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Now what is definition of Real People?

Real civil guy.


The same as Real AmericansTM, white rural conservative Christians.

Proclaiming yourself “nice” or “civil” or “patriotic” or that you “love America” appears to be a sufficient excuse to cause unbearable pain and hardship to very large numbers of human beings.

Furthermore, this excuse is seems to be universally accepted by Americans of all political persuasions. They will even call you a hero.

I’m Surprised he didn’t use Freedom and Liberty somewhere, you know those phrases used by outfits that are promoting neither

This is inside baseball stuff I think. Gorsuch is not getting along with the other Justices, personally, regardless of their political leanings. And that causes lots of unwanted friction with the SCOTUS universe.

Kavanaugh is trying to send a signal that he isn’t at all like that, and he will get along with everybody.

Not that I think that signal needs to be sent. Kavanaugh is going to be confirmed, come hell or high water. He is the type of Justice that is the reason the GOPers in the Senate put up with Trump. They are damn sure going to get this prize after the past 2 years.

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No American citizen cares if you’re ‘civil’ or ‘collegial,’ you pompous lying half-wit. We care if you will abide by precedent, the welfare of the WHOLE nation, and rule according to the principles and intentions laid down in the Constitution and Bill of Rights - rather than be steered by political ideology and financial payoffs. To be very uncivil, you are a lying PoS who will help gut every law that makes this country worth living in - even for those of us who DON’T earn millions per year!

One way to describe Kavanaugh is that he’s a very calm and polite hanging judge. It’s disturbing.

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