Discussion: Kavanaugh Claims No Knowledge Of The Federalist Society's Role In His Nomination

jebus he’s the one being paddled, err disciplined, in that pic isn’t he?

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When he get’s impeached the Dems need to get out in front, along with Gorsuch when he gets impeached. Don’t let the Goppers make the narrative whine about how mean the Dems are and how they don’t respect the will of the people. Just say that 1, traitor and Oath violator Trump choices should not be validated by Congress under false pretenses and, 2, the whole process was fouled by the stench of republican malfeasance, and republican fear of Trump.

Oh please don’t insult our intelligence, Brett, getting Culture Warriors on the Court is the purpose of the Feudalist Society.

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It’s such a ridiculously obvious lie, this answer renders the rest of the process a sideshow.

I thought the Alito nom was the single most cynical and destructive one to succeed, worse even than the Gorsuch, which is plenty bad. But if Kavanaugh gets thru - someone who ‘s lied his way into every federal position and been caught thereafter dong worse things and telling worse lies than at any point in his horrible journey to undermine the entire Rule of Law, then there’s really nothing left of the SCOTUS’ cred, it’s all just as partisan and awful as any other job or role in American government.

If under oath, absolutely. And even if not, I’m pretty sure lying to Congress (not under oath) is a separate crime.

And they can damn well be impeached for it. They haven’t been, but they can. First we need 67 Senate Dems or some Republicans with consciences… never mind, we need 67 Senate Dems. Or maybe 69, if Manchin and Heitkamp are still in their seats.

It’s been so long since the legislative branch was a co-equal branch of our country that many Senators and Congressmen/women have forgotten that they can impeach judges… as well as legislate and more.
Here’s hoping they remember after November ASAP.

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Oh, I think they know that. They just don’t care, as long as it doesn’t affect their re-election chances.

They absolutely did. If you haven’t yet, read Josh’s two “test tube” edblog posts.

This is exactly what FS does. They ID their people, beginning in law school (if not earlier). They cultivate them throughout their careers and work in getting them on the bench. Josh has more details.