Discussion: Kasich: Trump Doesn't Care What The Solution Is On Health Care

But I donā€™t think he cares

Kasich could have left it at that


Runninā€™ for the nomination in 2020 much?


Screw you Governor Kasich Ā®

As long as you put that R after your name and do nothing by whineā€¦ you are worthless as tits on a boar.


He has no clue about anything to do with health care. And pretty much everything else as well. All he knows and cares about is himself.

If we practice quality and paid for quality, weā€™d begin to rein in these driving health care costs along with looking at all the other elements that contribute, for example, to the rising cost of pharmaceuticals,ā€ he said.

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Donā€™t buy his reasonable act. Kasich is still very ā€˜concernedā€™ about ā€˜entitlementsā€™.


The markets will not be stabilized if Trump signs any old bill.


Of course he doesnā€™t care. Thatā€™s more than obvious.

As for the rest of that word salad, all I can say is: huh?


This is BS, of course. Donald Trump doesnā€™t care about a solution at all, he cares about winning.

Go peddle your papers, Governor.


No shit. Now, do you mind actually standing up to your party and quitting with all the backward legislation that is damaging Ohio?


If Kasich wasnā€™t term limited, do you really think he would be so moderate?

Heā€™s going to try to primary Trump, a fools errand. Emperor Palpa-Trump is gaining minions by the day. The GOP is just going to get a little more nutty for the base, and a whole bunch more slutty for foreign dictators.

Remember when we controlled the foreign dictators instead of the other way around?

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WOWā€¦the Republicans must really be freaked out by Trump. First Rove and now Kasich with toned down, lets-make-sense explanations for ā€˜policyā€™.

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As a traditional Republican, Kasich is someone with whom negotiations can happen and a throwback to the good olā€™ days when the Rs played politics for just six months before each Congressional election cycle, and focused on policy the rest of the time.

This is not a Kasich endorsement. Iā€™d never vote for him since heā€™s full of it as much as any R from that era, spouting idiotic talking points rather than admit for a minute that perhaps his side is wrong about something. At most heā€™d admit that ideology rarely makes good policy and thatā€™s worth encouraging.

But thereā€™s a cost now to the Rs receiving ANY help from the Ds to improve healthcare, and Kasich and the rest of them have to accept it or the Ds should just let them stew in it:

  1. Rs admit that their opposition to Obamacare was wrong and that it was primarily a political opportunity to assign blame when they should have tried to make the law work.
  2. Rs expand Medicaid nationwide and drop all opposition to the expansion in ideological red states.
  3. Rs drop any talking point about ā€œrepealā€ or Obamacare ā€œfailingā€. If they continue it for one more news cycle, the price goes up to Rs admitting that any faults in Obamacare were the result of their efforts to sabotage it and block any and all D efforts to fix it since 2010.

The way I read it, their best alternative is to get walloped in 2018 as the Ds press all these points anyway while the Rs feebly try to explain it away. The Rs will still probably lose the House in 2018, but can probably avoid a realignment.

I doubt they will take the deal and Obamacare will remain flawed and unchanged, with Trump doing everything he can to make it fail while sticking himself and the Rs with all the blame. 2018 could be REAL fun.


Iā€™m right there with ya. He can always come back in 2020 and say ā€œRump wasnā€™t a true conservativeā€ - and heā€™d be right. This way, he can make the case that only the true Rethugs can save the country.

If by some miracle single payer landed on his desk, PP would cheerfully sign it and call it a big win for Conservative beliefs.


I have a feeling the 2020 Republican field may be almost as big as the Democratic one.


Gee, my governor, shouldnā€™t you be convincing your own stateā€™s Republicans not to eliminate the Medicaid Expansion the moment you leave office? Take care of our home before you think you can save the nation.

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But I donā€™t think he cares really what the solution is

You got that right.

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Kasich is very conservative, not a traditional Republican who wants to maintain the safety net. He only gets on TV and acts all moderate.