Discussion: Kasich Eases From Absolute Obamacare Support With New Proposal

Discussion for article #232796

Kasich is too old to be moonwalking. He should stick to bowling with college co-eds, like he was during his presidential flirtations in Iowa two decades ago…

What an evil man in the billionaires pocket…He’s also stymied needed construction on a new Ohio river spanning bridge because he wants huge tolls on that vital commercial link.


Strange but true: Ohio is considered a blue state because it voted Democratic in the last six presidential elections, and it’s my guess that those folks don’t want a republican lite approach to ACA.

I do wish I had invested in ‘back-pedals’…


“In my state it’s working,” Kasich said. “People are healthier, they’re
getting their lives back, they’re getting work, and that’s the reason
I’m doing it.”

And, gol darn it, that’s why we’re going to make them pay money they can’t afford. Enough is enough, ya know?

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Honestly, the only way to turn Ohio blue again is for the Obama administration to turn down this bonehead idea and make it such that if Kasich can’t get what he wants by altering the requirements, it’ll be him taking away Medicaid from those Ohioans, not Obama. Essentially, that’s what Kasich is trying to do anyway. By sticking it to the marginally poor as opposed to the dirt poor people of Ohio. I understand why the President allowed it for other states, but eventually its going to lead to all Republican-led states changing all the rules under the ACA if they’re allowed to have their way it seems. It just a matter of time.

Let the people in those states howl that they’re being denied something they have a complete right to, and see how long that lasts. I don’t believe it will take as long as you think. They’ll be screaming for expansion of Medicaid under the ACA, just like they scream for their Social Security and Medicare now. Especially when they see how other states are benefitting and saving money in healthcare and worker productivity around the country.


Seems as though Kasich wants more street cred among GOoPers just in case he too makes a run for the Presidency. You can only do that if you hate all things Obama.


"Kasich said he’s proposing the Medicaid premiums as a peace offering to conservatives "

Pretty bad when you have to punish the poor to win over conservatives.


Nothing new, it’s always been that way.

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Dubya impression or just old fashioned alcoholism?

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I TOTALLY agree with you on this. To those who are earning above the “working poor” $15-20 a month looks like nothing. Big deal. But to those working some sh*tty minimum wage job, it does make a big difference. In the end, I think these “exemptions” to expanded Medicaid have the ability to hollow the ACA out from within.

Congratulations, Ohio, you elected this asshole, now whaddya gonna do about it?

To Kasich, what’s your point…lots of words that just don’t inspire anything but boredom.

As one of our GOP reps said so recently: “No, no, no, no”. HHS should give him the big finger. You expanded Medicare, as is, no exceptions, no changes, no modifications. You bought it, you own it, deal with it.

Not just the ACA – this is setting a precedent for changing Medicaid as a whole. And then perhaps Medicare, and ultimately Social Security. We need to get the GOP’s mitts off all levels of government already, make them a weak enough political force that even the “MSM” will stop taking their destructive “ideas” seriously so Democrats won’t even have to pretend to.

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More cynical games from the GOP sadists.

That’s right. If you’ve got a very sick child or have many children that need care, each time you go to the doctor, these assholes will then want another $20 a month per child as their next proposal. It’ll never stop. The more they’re able to bend the rules and attempt to cripple the legislation, the more they’ll try. These Republicans are crazy for exemptions to the rules. Its not surprising we have a crisis now due to vaccination exemptions, most of which were pushed through by Republican legislatures to appease the religious, the scared, and the ignorant. It may have looked good on paper, but its had disastrous effects.

And $240 all by itself on a limited family income is at least one grocery bill that gets gobbled up by something parents shouldn’t have to make as a sacrifice to get healthcare for their children.