Discussion: Kasich Calls Trump Presser 'Terrible,' But 'He's Our President, OK?' (VIDEO)

Republicans are missing an opportunity to get ahead of this and call for Trump’s resignation. With armed Nazis emboldened to march on our streets, local law enforcement is not going to be able to contain every threat. Given the absence of police presence per news reports, it is a minor miracle that #charlottesville didn’t turn into a big massacre.

The risk of one of these armed Nazis using a gun and killing more innocents has increased because of Trump’s enablement. I see a repeat pattern of the early 90s militia movement. Newt Gingrich, Limbaugh and con media egged on the militia movement to energize their base and get a big turnout of white males in 1994 to take control of Congress. But then the OKC bombing happened. FBI just stopped a guy who tried it again just a few days ago.

The statements the GOP have made to date are meaningless without a denunciation of Trump or a demand for resignation.

Clearly Trump is nbthe poorest excuse for a president we have ever had and in no way can he be considered a “leader.”

Trump is a despicably, racist troll.

I have to admit I’m so disgusted by everything I can’t imagine whom the Republicans would support right now. They don’t want anybody sane, they need a stronger brew than that, but they’re getting a little seasick from the crazy too. What do you think—if there were snap national primary today, who’d win? Plurality Trump again? Because that’s what happened last time. Or assuming he’s damaged goods, who else? I just can’t today.

I believe is too late, go to right wing websites such as redstate.com, and you will notice that the bloggers are pretty much condemning Trump, some in very strong terms. However if you read the comments, the sense is of “both sides do it” and a sense that “white-supremacy” is as respectable as any other ideology. And by the way something that trump also mentioned “the alt-right protesters had a permit”.

So yes, thinking conservatives see the dangers, but the movement that they and their allies at Fox News had been stoking for the 8 years under Obama, with all the dog whistling and whatnot has already grown into a monster they cannot control any more.

This is the grade A bullshit we will be hearing from everyone trying to position themselves for 2020 except for Pence. Anyone who talks as if Trump might start to respond to anything besides his own id is either lying or stupid.


“Bring us together”? Um, why would would want to be brought together with Nazis and the KKK? There’s no compromise position that doesn’t involve legitimizing their vile, un-American, racist ideology. That’s the fallacy of the right’s “come together” and “listen to all viewpoints” nonsense – there’s ZERO acceptable level of Naziism and white supremist ideology. There is only one acceptable response to Nazis – fuck you and everything about you.


Kasich - are you waiting for Trump to shoot somebody on Fifth Avenue? I thought you were the “decent” republican running in 2016…maybe that was Evan McMullin.

On our President? No. I didn’t turn my back on W. despite him being an incompetent drunkard who committed crimes against humanity in the Iraq War lie.

Trump, however, is Putin’s president. Not mine. Never.


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No Governor, it’s not OK. It’s not OK to have a President who is such an embarrassment to the Nation and the Office.

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Oh, duh. My bad. But I stand by the rest of it.

Not strong enough, John. If you hope to get my vote in 2020,you have to simply state that the Asshole-elect is unfit to be President and should be removed from office immediately.

I am not sure Kasich is right. There are a lot of questions about the legitimacy of the 2016 election that resulted in the installation of our first white christian supremacist president, Preshitident Anusmouth-Putindickholster. His behaviors are not surprising given that he is the vile spawn of racist parents who were KKK thugs. There is a lot of evidence that the vote was rigged in 39 states by white christian supremacist American traitors who were working with Russian FSB agents. The legitimacy of the election is in serious doubt in my opinion.

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No. It’s not okay. I don’t believe he was legitimately elected in the first place.

And it’s not about what he says, it’s about WHO HE IS. That isn’t going to change.

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As an Ohioan. NO IT ISN’T OK!


Kasich Calls Trump Presser ‘Terrible,’ But ‘He’s Our President, OK?’

No, it’s not OK! He is an iinoperable cancer on our way of life.


Most useless implied sentence of the year…
“Trump will unite our country”


I think that Trump decided that he wasn’t the president for a big segment of the US population, when he made it clear that he was the POTUS for white supremacist and white nationalist.


“Well, Matt, look, he’s our President, OK?””

No, it is not OK.
It is not OK now.
It has not ever been OK.
It will never be OK.
It is just this type of mealy mouthed, dressed up platitude from losers like Kasick and people like him which have enabled the last 200+ days to be so Very, Very “Not OK.”


So. I guess there actually is a line Governor “But I’m a Sane Republican” Kasich won’t cross when it comes to party politics and basic decency. Kinda makes all his talk about “Christian values” seem a tad hypocritical.

Possibly because all his talk about “Christian values” is hypocritical; he’s a Republican, after all.




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