Discussion: Kamala Harris Gets A Boost From The White House

Discussion for article #232540

Move out of the way, the KAMALA TRAIN is comin’ through!

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Cannot wait for Senator Harris. My only regret is that she isn’t replacing Feinstein instead of Boxer.

As Villaraigosa fiddles, Kamala burns rubber.

Antonio thinks he’s entitled because of his past associations, political prowess even though he was arguably, the worst mayor Los Angeles had seen in a long time.

He fostered ‘charter’ schools and really did little in the way of handling much besides his own womanizing and self promotion as a Latino leader to the DEMs nationally, plus his lackey private sector education savant lost the state run for education secretary.

He thinks he can garner the Hispanic turnout because he’s Hispanic, good luck.

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There’s somebody equally capable waiting in the wings for 2018 to roll around.

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