Oh, bullshit. The Constitution is very clear on what does and doesn’t count as a person, or as 3/5ths of a person.
As there’s no mention of counting zygotes and fetuses, clearly they were not considered to be persons.
This just proves why Clarence should keep his mouth shut, like he usually does.
I don’t think we ever fully appreciated the degree to which Scalia kept Thomas’s crazy in check. Or at least out of written documentation.
It’s a plot — a commie plot, I tell you! They’re trying to stop Americans from reproducing so that Muslims, homos and other socialists take over! It all started with fluoridation!
Certainly it’s no coincidence that the rise of fluoride coincided with the decline in church attendance and the masses becoming agnostic, just like the Soviets dreamed of in their religion purge.
Someone remind this jackass that the court rules on constitutionality not ignorant opinion. So “black” people are duped into abortions. Damn this clown is stupid. 20 bucks says he did not write one word. Lackeys do his work. Dementia is apparent in this Sillius Soddus.
I thank Justice Thomas for clarifying that he does crazy.
He was probably advised early-on that it might be better that he said little on the Supreme court for just that reason.
So here is the deal with me, the Court also bestowed individual rights on corporations which are essentially money and paper work, contracts etc. But the right to privacy when making a medical decision is pfft for Thomas including traditional birth control aka “the pill.” There is no such thing as family planning or planned pregnancies for Thomas. Be glad when he retires - in fact I will rejoice.
I’ve sat through a number of anti-abortion pitches. To black audiences they make the pitch Thomas is parroting. To white audiences they say that the lower birth rate of white women coupled with access to.abortion will lead to disappearance of the white race. Usually not that bluntly stated but the point is clear.
the doctor knows that woman’s sole reason for seeking the procedure was due to the fetus’ race, sex or a disability.
Thankfully, somewhere in the grueling hours of residency, physicians gain ESP to delve into a woman’s secret inner thoughts. Or perhaps Indiana has a team of crack podiatrists waiting to call in regarding a woman’s intent for getting an abortion.
To all those people who thought it ok to undermine Hillary Clinton once she had established a decisive advantage over Bernie Sanders in the 2016 primaries, this one is for you. The worst consequence of Trump’s election has been the courts. This was all preventible. Now, this loon Thomas is going to get 4 or 5 more shots to expound on his crazy eugenics theories.
Does the 25th apply to SCOTUS?
He pointed specifically to the relatively higher abortion rates among > African American communities.
“Whatever the reasons for these disparities, they suggest that, insofar as abortion is viewed as a method of ‘family planning,’ black people do indeed ‘tak[e] the brunt of the “planning,”‘ he wrote.
This is a RW talking point (I’ve actually heard before) that White Rethugs trot out to call White Liberals “racist.”
It’s particularly stupid and insidious coming from Uncle Clarence. After all, on the one hand, Black women are pumping out babies by untold numbers of men so they can become “Welfare Queens” but on the other hand, the Black race is being decimated because of abortion.
Not the words of an intellectual heavy-weight:
‘“Whatever the reasons for these disparities, they suggest that, insofar as abortion is viewed as a method of ‘family planning,’ black people do indeed ‘tak[e] the brunt of the “planning,”‘” he wrote.’
And his argument citing Sanger as a eugenicist is the same type of argument used to condemn modern Democrats as the party of Jim Crow.
Thomas is just itching to vote against Roe v. Wade. His presence on our highest court makes a mockery of our entire justice system.
If eugenics can help eliminate deplorables like Thomas, it’s totally acceptable.
O/T… Oh, FFS…
Check out 3:07 in the video… Some minor league team projected a video that included a picture of AOC when Reagan was talking about enemies of America…
Oh jeez, the fucker opens his mouth and he confirms he’s not just nuts, but stupid, too.
Ya know, I’m old enough to recall letters to the editor calling fluoridation a commie plot.
BTW, there were black intellectuals who bought into eugenics.
I just have a visceral hatred for this jerk. I hated his LAZY Ass when he was head of the EEOC; all he did was take up space. Thomas and Ben-my-wife-did-it-Carson, are white men’s versions of intelligent Black men. But… they are both intellectually LAZY, ARROGANT and rather STUPID. I hate them BOTH. Thomas and his crazy wife both need to go to hell.