Discussion: Just Kidding! WH Officials Insist Trump Wasn't Serious About Extending His Term

This is a big deal.

Trump cannot laugh…he can only smile a staged smile
Trump cannot joke…he can only sneer

He got ahead of himself and it looked BAD, so he responded. Period. As bad as things are, he’s not a real dictator yet.

He does still care about appearances.


By Andrew Blake - The Washington Times - Tuesday, November 14, 2017

The Department of Justice is treating President Trump’s frequent Twitter posts as official statements, attorneys for the government wrote in a new federal court filing.

Justice Department lawyers qualified the president’s tweets in an eight-page submission entered in D.C. federal court Monday after U.S. District Judge Amit Mehta asked the government earlier this month for clarification concerning Mr. Trump’s Twitter musings.

“The Court has asked, broadly, about the official status of the President’s tweets … asking the parties to ‘provide insight on … the President’s tweets and what they are, how official they are, are they statements of the White House and the President,’ ” Justice Department attorneys wrote Monday citing a Nov. 2 status conference hearing.

“In answer to the Court’s question, the government is treating the President’s statements to which plaintiffs point — whether by tweet, speech or interview — as official statements of the President of the United States,” the Justice Department responded.


Just joking. Standard response. And another reason there are no conservative comedians. They are not funny.



I doubt Falwell and the evangelicals are joking. They are all about destroying America and replacing it with some sort of evangelical dystopia. For them “A Handmaiden’s Tail” is not a cautionary tail. It is a road map to what they perceive to be a glorious future.


… Trump should have an extra two years added to his term…

Music to my ears!

That is, when spoken by Chiselin’ Trump’s sentencing judge.

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Seriously, that’s just crazy talk! Who would say something like that, Chairman Xi? Maybe Putin and perhaps Kim Jong-un, but the AMERICAN President?! He doesn’t even socialize with those types and would CERTAINLY never ever admire the tactics they try to stay in office perpetually!


And be sure to catch Falwell’s act - he’s killing them from the pulpit.

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Don’t give up your day job, Donnie; you’ll never make it as a stand-up comedian. (On the other hand, hope you lose your day job next year.)

The number of times Barack Obama followed this path while in office = exactly zero.


I hope his stroke lets him live for 10 years in humiliating agony.


I love this. We need to keep this going & add to to. My sense of humor is lacking, & I can’t think of anything (that isn’t way over the line), but I know it when I see it. Great post.

That trump, his jokes just kill.

i said this yesterday… it’s a huge mistake to not take this threat seriously. (the wapo headline refers to it as ‘bonus time’).
dotard is setting the stage for his refusal to accede power. and gearing up his base for violence.

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Here’s a thought. How about the President of the United States start acting like the President of the United States and stop joking about stuff. Like I said, just a thought.


Most Productive first term ever, yet also robbed of first 2 years. Of course.


Waste of bandwidth, he, his administration, and his party aren’t serious about anything.

Oh wait, there’s screwing people, they’re serious about that.

My bad…


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Hey, asshole! I want MY two years back!

Way past time for angry rants from us:

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Does considering this fall into the “High Crimes and Misdemeanors” definition of impeachable offenses? It sure sounds like a High Crime to push for something as unconstitutional as this. But I suppose he’d have to do more than talk about it. He’d have to push for a vote in the Senate or something to that effect.